Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Dumb lil' things gettin' me hot for 2-nite...

Hear me now-

1st- I bought Raspberry Chipotle marinade at the Mega-Target. (I passed by one on the way to work, and went in to see what the fuss was regarding their lower prices. Yes, their s#it is notoriously cheap. $1.59 for a can of Progress that's usually $2+ at the other chains? Faaaaaahk. They also had crab stuffed salmon. HEA-ven.) I will be making baked raspberry chipotle chicken breasts tonight...And they will be glooooorious. There will be plenty left, (I'm making extra's for the 'Bean) so you let me know if you want some. Yum-sters.

2-On the Chipotle kick, I know I've spoke of my mad habit to douse almost all food with Tabasco (Anything to assist the metabolism, you know?) but don't know if I've ever spoke of the joy that is "Chipotle Pepper" sauce. Bomb-diggedy. Not too hot. All too flavorful. I'd do shots if my co-worker didn't threaten me with projectile vom after "miming" I would drink the s#it's that good. Find it. Buy it.

3- Seeing "V...for Vendetta" tonight with Sploosher and Ry-Gonn. I'm thinking that it should be a hot ticket. I'm really jonesin' for a bad-ass Alan Moore interpretation. (Even if the man disowns every movie that's ever been made based on his work. Well cripes, have you seen the shite that was "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen"? Ptui. Crap Crap Crap.) I'm doubting that this'll be a comic franchise to dress the kids up as during Halloween (Hey everyone! Send out little Timmy or Dolly as "V"- Complete with Hat, Guy Fawkes Mask, and Anarchist Manifesto. Shave little Dolly's head so that she can play "Evey"... yeah.)


I think I'm figuring some housekeeping stuff on a personal level. I've felt like I've been spread pretty thin over the last couple of months, and by trimming some superfluous baggage and letting some projects go I'm starting to solidify avenues of my life that were a little...nebulous. Hella not perfect, but closer to fine than I was before.


P said...

I wrap my fear around me like a blanket

I sailed my ship of safety till I sank it

"And grabbed my package 'til I had to crank it..."

Sorry. That used to kill my friend, "the Gay Burrito", everytime I fucked with the lyrics.

Our I.G. song to butcher was "Ghosts" (Oh Man. You just reminded me of when a friend and I worked on performing "Closer to Fine" as a duet in choir MY sophomore year. It just goes to show how timeless the I.G. really are. Ahhhh, G'Rock.)

Portana said...

Let me know how the movie is--not a big natalie portino fan, but it is a bit of the sci fi genre that I do love...

wpdpfgcs-good lord, these word verficiations are getting a touch out of hand.

tallen said...

chipotle... awesome
v for vendetta... i'll let you watch it first and give you my thoughts tomorrow
dora... you just made me feel old... sophomore in HS... um... sophomore in college... yeah...
p... personal housekeeping - good thing... verra good thing

um, yeah... x-porcupine in the hiz-ouse...?