Friday, February 11, 2005

TW sucks asssss!

The Time Warner cable/Internet dude didn't show up today. Bastard. I need my surreal life fix, toute suite!!!!

I talked to J about dropping my agent the other day. I've been on way too many auditions that just weren't panning out. (My last "commercial" gig was Feb 2002. Which, btw, was the last time that I was blonde.) I figured I just didn't have the right "look" for commercial/print/Industrial work, and maybe I should just stick with what I'm good at:Cooking oatmeal and trying to hump the fridge. I thought I could try stand-up, take Improv classes...who knows. What I do know was that it just seemed like I should be focusing my energy on other things rather than having to up and leave work for an hour or two at a time every couple of months. I felt that it was a safe, well thought rationale to either get a new agent, or try in a few years when I'm a little older and my look has changed.

I was sent to audition for "Sherwin Williams" on Monday, (Remember? With my puffy cut-up eyes? I shore am purty.) I got the same feedback I always get ("Good ad-libs" and "Thanks for your time") and just went about my day. Worrying about the house.

I got it- Overnight shoot on the 15th.

Just about when you're ready to give up, sometimes something wonderful can happen. This, is just too weird.

I want my fricking Internet access NOW!!!!! I wanna see some CORN!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the gig!