Monday, February 07, 2005

TC Face

With an Oakland booty.

I fell off of the wagon from a diet standpoint last night. My reward, was a damnable case of heartburn. Serves me right for going through a bottle of Pinot, and noshing on raspberry/chipotle salsa, teriyaki wings, and that gawdawful chocolate covered check mix.
Bleah. I'm amazed I didn't barfski and hutch.

What I did do was attend a Superbowl Party at my friend "Ry's" house. He and his gal hosted a little soiree', and it was indeed..good times. Except the part where I talked non-stop for 3 hours. I was in full-on riff mode with some jokes landing, most others failing, and careening off on so many tangents, I can't wholly remember a majority of the conversations.

Except that it was a terribly lukewarm game. The commercials? Ehhhh. (The Cat/Knife/Spaghetti Sauce one was pretty tight.) I had more fun falling asleep to "The Exorcist III" than watching the game.

It is really hard to believe that I've been living in my house for a week. I go backwards 2 weeks, a month, 2 months, 4 months... The searching, the cleaning, the moving, the blah de blah de blah...Oh yeah, Drywalling, can now be called a bitch. We hanged our first section, and it was fricking tough. I know the walls will be much easier, but holy moses. I ate a face full of fibreglass when a piece of the plaster came down. I look Beautiful. Complete with a puffy face, and little cuts around my eyelids.

1 comment:

Portana said...

Mr. P--
The only oakland booty you should be referring to is....gals from oakland. And yeah, hear you on the whole superbowl glutfest. My downfall was when the crack cocaine of cookies arrived...Lofthouse sugar cookies. Just hook me up to an IV and keep 'em coming. My oakland booty is doing extra tonight because of them.