Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Okay chill.

I held the door for 8 people trying to scurry onto the elevator this morning. As the door was shutting, the last dude starts to repeatedly tap the "Door Close" button like it was a telegraph. Can you all see the message?:

"Trying to close you faster. Stop. Can't stop being an anal putz. Stop. Don't realize that hitting the close button repeatedly will not make you speed up. Stop. I am a douchebag. Stop." Dorkus Malorkus.

  • I love trail mix. That is some good shit. And not the crap with M & M's in it, I'm talking Cali Mix yo'! Nothing but nuts and dried fruit. Deeeelish.
  • I forgot how long commutes to and from the 'Cloud can be. Thank goodness they have a "Y" so I can pop in, work out, and wake up. Even though their Y sucks, even by Y standards. ("'Nautilis'? Idn't dat some sub in some book 'er sumpthin? Mmmmmm I want a sub fer lunch...") At least they have a treadmill. Remember the one's that were basically a bunch of rollers set side by side with some fabric covering it? Well, these are darn close to being those treadmills. And don't get me started on the weights. Eugene Sandow worked out with better equipment.
  • Hemsings Deli in Saint Cloud has some tasty sammies. Tay-Stee.
  • I think the show is gonna be pretty cool. It has Karen WT in it. Helloooo?
  • Funny how hospitals don't let you eat for 24 hours before certain exams. They must know that it makes a dancer crabby.
Ummm, yeah. Go see Crimes. I think it'll be pretty good. I watched some of it last night, and those 3 ladies playing our leads have a nice dynamic. And I don't think that they make those "Charlies Angels" poses. Yeah. I gotta go...I'm spying the bag of trail mix, and it tempts me. Oh yessss. It does.

What's up w/the Barth's buying a B & B? Anybody?

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