Thursday, February 03, 2005

F**king Rodent

Punxswatawney Phil can kiss my grits, that Lil' Sumbitch saw his shadow. Whatever. If we have 6 more weeks of 50 degree winter...well, have at it. Gives a little more creedence to global warming, you know? Actually, I can't recall (over the past 6-7 years) a really nasty winter. One where the whole month of January stays close to, or below zero for the entire month. The snow hasn't seemed too deep. (With the exception of a few narsty days) No, it's not like '94 (60 below windchills. Stops the very blood.) Or the snow from '91 (70 inches of snow in 36 hours...yuck) It's been wild and mild. Now, if I could keep from falling on my ass when the temps drop at night and the puddles freeze..I'd be golden.

I leave for work 'round 6 a.m. The house is dark. I try to make as little noise as possible so as not to wake my lovely fiancee'. Today's result of "stealth-dressing"? I put my underpants on backward. You discover this the 1st time you try and use the loo.

Crimes of the Heart Rehearsals: Not bad. I think that this is going to be a pretty good show, at least, the director seems very gung-ho about it. He was very supportive during my (brief) time at GC Church. Made me feel pretty good.

GeeF: I mentioned going to sleep with a full tummy while after you've been training for a while? I hadn't eaten a thing all day yesterday, and didn't get home until 10pm. I scarfed my dinner so fast, I hardly had time to know I was full. I went to bed, uncomfortably, and was rustled awake at 12:30 by J who said "God P!! You are sweating sooo bad!" I was. I had to strip down and alternate between being above the sheets and below. Not a great nights sleep. I wasn't hungry until after 2pm today. The chinese was delish, though.

And about that actress that was murdered in NYC? However you feel about the way she handled herself, or whatever your opinion be of the matter period-the bottom line is that it is a tragedy. My condolences to her family and loved ones. I hope that the pukes that did it get what's coming to them.

Portland/Kaiser: My heartiest congrats to you both on your new positions. I wish y'all the best of luck.

Anybody good at hanging drywall? That'll be my Superbowl Sunday!!!! YEEEAAHH!!!

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