Friday, February 25, 2005


I gotta get this out.

I'm at Subway, and I hear this dialogue from the lady ordering (2) down from me:

Customer- Um, yes, extra cheese, and toasted.
SA (Sandwich Artist)- 'kay
Cust- (Blah de blah...finally gets to) Mayo
SA- 'kay
Cust- Um, more mayo?
SA- (Dude proceeds to liberally apply mayo...I mean, do you want a sub with that miracle
Seriously, you could see NOTHING under that blanket of mayo. It was narsty. And people rip on me for my dietary choices? Yeesh.

Opening was outstanding. Everything really just...clicked. It was glorious. The Barth's were their usual generous selves, picking up a quick round of cocktails over at the 'Carpet. Before I headed over there, I stood out in front of the theatre and bumped my leg on the railing by the stairs-(In front of 5th ave) I call this piece, "a little morbid":

I looked over the 8 footish drop towards the sidewalk, and suddenly had a flash of what happened to the Geef's Weef, and I tell you, I got a little weirded out. I started thinking if I was close to them, and I was standing there, would I have been able to at least try to grab her? And if it was me who fell, would I have been able to put my arm out first, or if I went ass over teakettle would I have had time or the reflexes to maybe roll? (Probably breaking my arm or my collarbone, respectively.) I've never broken a bone before, would I have been knocked out? Would I know it was broken? Would this dispell the mythos I've built around myself that I'm faster than most, that my (usually) quick reflexes weren't enough, or that my virtual indestructability wouldn't keep me from an ER visit? I don't believe I can dodge bullets people (I hate guns) but all the same, I slowly moved away from the railing, feeling a little foolish- and a little sorry for the Geef who maybe felt a little powerless too.

My luck, I would have made a mad dash to grab her, only caught the bottom of her dress, and she would have tumbled over the side, slipping through my grasp- leaving me holding a black cocktail dress: Seriously injured, and butt nekkid. On the street. In Saint Cloud.

It is doubtful she would be reading this blog if that was the case. Or the Geef for that matter. This is why I leave the heroic delusions in my head...or on this site.

Quick question if you're still with me:
What is wrong with the saying- "I'm happiest when you are happy".
(Not "I'm only happy when you're happy.") Let me know.


Anonymous said...

I looked for the bloodstain when we went up there for "Inherit", but I didn't lean on the railing. No need to tempt fate.

And I have no idea what I thought or if I thought. I don't have a lot of memory from that night, thanks to a nice cocktail of booze and head trauma.

But I'd always read your blog. ;)

- The Weef.

Anonymous said...

**What is wrong with the saying- "I'm happiest when you are happy".**

It's not a bad saying... happiest though? I'm happy when you're happy... good. I'm happiest makes me worry. You need to be able to be happy on your own, standing alone, without it being reliant on someone else's happiness. Otherwise it can become a burdon on whoever it is that makes you happy... ya know?

**Did ya really want an answer to that one? Or was that one of those rhetoricable questions? Oh well... too late now.**