Friday, February 18, 2005


Toasty warm house when I went to bed last night. Cold shit again in the morn.

Didn't mean to rail on about homeowner woes (My reader's got some of there own, ah-ight?)
I mean, we rented the last one and were basically home owners (i.e. responsible for all repairs, breakdowns, etc.) And besides the puddle-y basement, fridge break-down, no A/C (Not a problem with the mild summer.) and TeeP's passing out in our bathroom after an Absinthe was totally fine. I don't usually adhere to idea's pessimistic, but we've only been in the new place for a little over 2 weeks now and the heat's broken down twice? That just a little ominous.

(Muppet News Flash: J went out and got a NEW thermy-stat. Installed it herself an everything. Ok, her dad came over and double checked her work, but still- very crafty that girl. They found car fuses in the Heater. Car fuses. I didn't ask how, just get rid of 'em!)

Last night at Knights, two words: "Greek Family". No joke, they were funny, fucked-up people. They relished in the stereotypes, and made sure I knew that they were 100% "Grick". Find me the window cleaner, stat! OPA!!!

G and Kaiser- I'm Green Lantern. I figured as much. I love the Dark Knight and all, but I figured via looks/personality wise I'm more of a Kyle Rayner , or even a Wally West. Although, i'm not the Flash that way ladies....(Embarrassed coughing.) Speaking of cool nerd news: III Spoilers here.

I'll dither about comics another blog, but yeah- I wanna see Constantine and Batman. They look too cool for school. Next month we'll start getting the cool Ep III Commercials. Will we be doing the midnight showing thing, guys? Last time...

I got two shows (1 - 2)I would love to audition for, and I'm not sure if I'm gonna have time. One of them has auditions on Monday, (I'll be "Crime-ing") the other, well...I just don't know how busy I'll be w/the two jobs. I guess I'm getting a little tired of being burdensome on the directors/SM's by having to tell them "These are what nights I can be there and these are the nights when I won't." It's selfish behavior on my part, and I liked being known as the easy to work with performer who learns his lines real fast. Not necessarily a good actor, but, y'know- good to work with/have work for you. Fork You Rick III, for being one of my favorite shows. Fork You too Hamlet. Forker. I'll wax my nugent about Shakespeare later.

Latts- Congrats on the new job. If I had a kitchen, I'd make you dinner.
Portland-tana: Good luck w/the move. Stop thinking so damn much.
Tah-Lon- Good for you for kicking Kaiser's buttski and hutch at bowling.


Anonymous said...

tee hee... i gotta tell ya... kickin' his arse that bad felt so good! 191 baby! yup... still on that kick... house ball no less!
i have figured out one way to tame the homeowner woes... get a roommate... :-) mine's movin' in at the end of March, i got a month to get the spare room ready... can i do it? we shall see... but, it's certainly getting my ass in gear and getting things done around the house.

Portana said...

Thanks for the well wish P--I too am now going to be a house owner. I can empathise with you once again. Sad though that the reason I am buying a house is so my ru has a home of its own (ie garage). BTW--Thanks for the idea of a new blog name. Portana it is. U da bomb.