Monday, February 14, 2005

Fit to be tied.

Happy V day y'all. My ceiling has been drywalled, and the walls are 1/5 finished. A couple more sheets, and it'll be done. Finally. Next, the taping and mudding, which (I hear) is a bitch! Yeeeah!!

I have a friend who's back went "kerflooey". He saw a PT, and after his eval/fix-up they recommended he get into the gym to do some strengthening exercises. So he calls me to be his fitness consultant. Funny. (Only because this marks the 2nd time in the past couple 'o weeks I've been asked to do this. 3 if you count teaching my dad rotator cuff strengthening exercises.)

When I was a young boy.. (dooby doo wop. Sing it Cougar!!!) I was planning on getting into Forensic Pathology, which then switched to sports medicine. (B4T= Before Theatre) I thought it would be super coolio to get into kinesiology as a career. (It also stems from my mom being a nurse. During my formative years when she was pursuing her RN, she would read my brother and I her text books to put us to sleep.) Most of my early classes were Anatomy/Physiology related, as I was getting a purty good knack for things biological. And I didn't mind being the only dude in Biology and Women: 3601. Where I was lacking was mathematics. In fact, I avoided the math part of my major until the bitter end of my sophomore year, until I finally switched to theatro'. (A brief traipsing into Business went nowhere. I thought I could take a management class and be done, but noooooo. More frickin math.)

Go figure. Mr "Easily-Distracted" stops to pursue something where he is the center of attention. ANY-way....

I think that I passed up a darn good career, but being asked to help makes me feel good to be used as a resource. I think I should check in on the Geef and his training. I think we should hit the batting cages for fun one of these days. Or put together a pick-up game of Soft ball when the ground dries out.

Oh, my point? When I woke up on Sunday (After hanging all that drywall) I can tell you with the utmost certainty that my anterior and medial deltoids were infused with so much lactic acid that I could barely lift my arms. Not to mention the fact that my lower rhombus and l3 felt shorn, with the possibility that it was compacted.

I kid. I'm a fast healer. WOLVERIIIINNEEE!! Snicky Snicky Snack!!!!!

I have to work tonight. Joy and Rapture. I'm taking the morning off so that I can have a late night tonight. (And get my body ready for a late night tomorrow night. )

Thanks for the well-wishes and encouraging words, gentle readers. I'll gladly take it all.


Anonymous said...

The Geef is doing well. I'll be showing him how to do the weight exercises you told him to do tonight. Romantic, no? We've just not had time before this....

- The Weef.

Anonymous said...

I just read your favorite list and want to know where 'Waiting for Guffman' is?