Thursday, February 24, 2005

Durrrr, I have a tattoo.

I grabbed a pen to scratch my itchy ol' back. The itch was just outta reach, so I figured the pen would be as good as anything. 'Cept I didn't notice that the cap was off. Yeah. This ranks in the pantheon of dumb "P" things like, almost pouring OJ into the coffee pot or putting on my undies backwards.

(Sighs) Did I mention that I have a back scratcher at my desk?

My absent-mindedness is probably related to the $300 I just spent on the car. I was a ball of nerves that it would cost a fortune, and after my 1st phone call I was relieved that it just needed a $50 tune-up and maybe an oil change. The 2nd phone call is what torqued me. (My car had bad balls...bearings. )

A discovery was made as to m'ladies tummy malady. The doc told her to 86 the following for one month, and then come back for a follow up:
All Dairy (meaning cheese, creamer, butter, Milk Chocolate, and ice cream) Caffeine, and stress. Can't do too much about the stress thing, but, ummmm. Maybe the good ol' Dr. didn't realize that he has cancelled the better part of her diet. Ladies and Gents, she is gonna be one cuh-rabby beeyotch. I speak truth.

In sympathy, I have started to scale back my caffeine addiction. (The other stuff I don't really eat). However, I am suffering the slings and arrows of withdrawl- and I'm finding that when peoplle say things like: "Good for you!" or "Wow, I don't drink it so I guess I don't know what that's like!" - I want to kick them in the shins.

I'm kidding, of course. I'm fine, and I really think I could do without the bacchanalian amounts of caffeine I imbibe anyway. And it's good for the show- the listlessness and heaviness really add something to the character of "Doc". Like the weight of the world is on my shoulders? Did I mention that it is opening night tonight? Meag's and I have a wonderful moment together onstage that really cements the whole experience for me. If you're wondering? That's why I do it. And based on pre-sale numbers, we're averaging 49 peeps a night. That'll feel good. I hope they like it as much as I've enjoyed the experience. KWT and I were talking and we both agreed that after spending a day of "worrying" (about whatever) the theatre was the one place we could go and focus. Yeah. That's another reason why I do it.

57 miles. That is how far it is from my home to the Cloud. That's a long time for an abstract random to be dwelling in his own head. I need to get back to the dojo.


Portana said...

Welcome to the wonderful world of the no caffiene diet. I have been off the stuff for 5 years now--I still miss it. I used to start my day with a Diet Mountain Dew, now alas I start my day with decaf. Its just not the same. *sigh* It gets better though, after about two week, your body will be detoxed and you will get your energy back. Its that time in between that is hell.
Good luck on the opening tonight!

Frethem said...

BS! I had an ulcer once... made me cut the caffiene out for good for a year. I NEVER recovered...

P said...

(kicking gestures towards both of your shins!)

I have a headache, and my eyes are all sleepy...I can't have any 'ffeine until I take off to Saint Cloud! (Trust me, I neeeed to have it if I'm driving there after work.) Bleargh.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Mike. Its Molly. I am a dairy-free individual, as I am allergic to it. Just a heads-up that I would be more than happy to elaborate on what your lovely fiance can and cannot eat, and what has dairy and what doesn't. Its not necesarily fun research to find these things out for yourself, and since I already know.... Call me at the Caves if you want my help and I can email her or something. Keep up the funny!