Tuesday, October 12, 2004

I am working on improving my time management...

This post is really a broad disclaimer as to why I don't, or can't do the following: See more theatre, go to the bar, visit my folks, spend more time with old friends, see a midnight showing of a movie (S2 being the exception) make it to parties etcetera etcetera etcetera....

My "big kid" job is working for one of the larger insurance firms in the US. I coach the customer service reps on how to respond to Jane and John Public when they call in with questions about their life insurance. Not glamorous, but when you add in the "Quality reviewing" of 50 + peeps phone calls (At 5 to 10 calls per CSR per month) and that my scoring directly affect their raise next year...well it can get a little stressful. (I've discovered the word my boss likes to use with me is "accountable" me.) 45 + hours a week. My day starts at wake-up. 5:45 am.

The part time job is at a Tux rental/Costume shop which many of you know of. I really fell into it- I was picking up some make up for a show I was doing, and saw that they were hiring. The rest is history. 3 to 4 nights a week.

The seasonal job is doing ghost and graves tours. Not my favorite. 1 to 2 nights a week.

USA Karate. I gotta go, and I usually can't get in enough regular classes to really promote myself. 1 to 2 nights a week. I should go 3-4 times a week minimum.

The THEATRE!!!! Henry V is coming up. After that, I'll be back up in Saint Cloud in February/March. This is what cuts into my normal routine. Average anywhere from 4 to 7 shows a year. (2003 was a doozy.)

Gran was sick for a while. That's over now.

My sweet baby. She'll be starting "Anything Goes" the last weekend in Oct. That's gonna be 6 nights a week, 8 shows a week. It won't be as hard on her body as "Cats" was, but I'll miss seeing her nightly regardless. And we have a June wedding to plan. Which ties into Knights (I'm buying my ushers and best man's tux for them in lieu of a normal wedding gift. I'm gonna rent the ties and her daddy's tux for him. I get a discount, y'know?)

We're buying a house. Say goodbye to almost $200,000.00. The debt, will be ours and ours alone.

(Disclaimer, and please understand: I wouldn't trade any of this for the world. I love my fam, friends, and am constantly honored by the talent of the people I perform with, and the folks at the dojo who beat me to s**T and make it look easy. )

So, like the rest of the world, I'm busy. And I love sleep. And I don't get too many chances to get out and party on weekends, because I really love spending time with my girl. She's really cool, And I miss seeing her sometimes.

Ummmm, need to spend more time @ KAH-rate, and see more shows. Seriously.

And I'm getting fiz-at. Packing on the Elle- Bee-Esses. I'm looking like a pre-Jarrod. What do you all find makes the rest of you so busy? Let me know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What takes up my time? Same as yours, more or less.

The wedding took up a HUGE chunk of time. Seriously, plan on quitting your Knight's job sometime in April, if you haven't already.

Producing and trying to find a new theater space takes the place of the second job. Seriously.

Must run. Must must must. I will let yoga and weights slide in favor of running. I will favor working out in place of going out. I've stopped drinking at home, so I can get up at 5:15 and go run, because I am unable to have just the one drink.
