Friday, October 22, 2004

Still Livin' the Dream (A little long, skip if you are in a hurry)

A few months back, I was doing some birthday shopping at some electronic store when I ran into a young lady I went to college with. We exchanged hugs, asking the pre-requisite question: "Haven't seen you in a while, what have you been up to?"...well, You've all been there.

She said she's working full time schilling high-end electronic equipment and living with her man... I said that I was working at the Stag, and currently in a production of "_______" with "_______" company.... She looked at me, smiled, and said "Ohhh, still chasing the dream, huh???" I was a little perplexed, and replied "Chasing it? I'm actually kinda doing it." We continued awkwardly for a while, until I found my purchase, and skedaddled. (And in fairness, I should mention that she did hook me up with a phat employee discount.)

In college, she was a very good director, churning out a "Bent" and an "Equus" that had the faculty thinking that she'd be grad school bound. I'm guessing that her comment was born from the fact that she was a bitter Betty, who (Apparently) stopped directing to chase after her dude- losing grants and scholarships in the process. But really...

I put it out there: What is chasing the dream, exactly? My actor friends and artistically inclined posters: why are we doing what we're doing?

See, everything I've ever been told about me as an actor was contrary to my trying to be one. My acting prof said "You're more like a stand up comic than an actor...have you thought about stand-up classes?" My On-Camera teacher said "well, uhhhhhh ( reach, reach, reach) you have sort of an interesting look...Have you tried focusing on stage or community theatre?" (Thanks) I had a convo w/a friends dad who said "M_ _ _, Actors are like grains of sand in a should be in sales, not trying to chase puss doing high school foolishness. Yeah, thank's "Dick" (His name)I'll remember that. So far, I think 10% of the folks from my college class are still gigging. The rest, who knows. Who really frickin cares

In college, I never thought I would be working in a corporate job. To be honest, I hadn't the foggiest as to what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. (Some days I still don't) I work. It's a job. Just like theatre. Show up, learn your lines, do your blocking. It ain't some dodge, hustle, or way to stay partying like I'm still in High School. As for the "puss-chasing" as Dick so eloquently put it...Well, I did meet my future wife in a show. Really beside the point though.

My point is, I really couldn't tell you why I stayed in it. Except to say that I truly, dearly love my small theatre "co-workers". They are almost like family...(Ug, I'll do the whole "sharing triumph" cliche right here) I love hearing about how someone landed those coveted Jungle, Illustion, Hassler, or Park Square gig. Many (not all) but many of us share that joy with them, we congratulate them and sometimes deep down we wish it could be us too. (And some of those co-workers even get to grace the stage at the flying "G")
And with some of those co-workers sometimes I have moments with them on stage that are indescribable. Or when you see a show, and there's a moment on stage that just makes you go.."wow" (Ask me about "The Real Thing" at TRP in '97 sometime. It almost took the wind out of me.)

Yup: Performing and Karate. 2 things that I just have to do and they make me feel good. I've made this day job work for me. I've even changed my attitude on the night job. It's the same cliche', and I hate cliche's that it's all really what you make it.

Oh, and being with Julio. I think I'm pretty darn good at that too.
Good weekend folks. Tell me about yours. I work my second and 3rd jobs. Poppa gotta pay the bills. Y'know?
G- Nice Persian. And nice follow up message. Very honorable. I'll tell you my humane society persian story sometime if I remember.
Jabs- Your 2 cents are appreciated. I like the different train of thought
Kilby- You eat saddlebags. Go on my tour

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