Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Karaoke and Me....

I was asked why I don't hit Le Market for karate-okey on Wed/Sun nights(Except for my "bi-annual" visits)

Okey Doke...here it is: I dj'ed karaoke for 2 years. It's true. It was a moment of weakness in college (an ex was doing it, so I though I'd do it too, so that we would end work at the same time and all that) it was $50 a night, or $75 if it was in St. Bonifacious or Waverly. I dj'ed in some of the less reputable establishments in the TC metro. (The kind with fence material around the bar and the karaoke booth) And when your repetoire heads towards Chris Issak, Elton John, Billy Joel, and Showtunes...well, you just can't please everyone.

Which brings me to the sensitive issue of the types of singers. Not good. A few pieces of cubic zirconia in the rough...but generally bad. Real bad. Towards the end of that career, I had to start all of my shows with a shot of something and a beer. Just to get through. I received one complaint during my tenure. I didn't sing "Proud to be an American" at this VFW in Bloomington. (Its too high a range for me. It would've sounded terrible) It was the end of the night, I was shutting things down when I get this drunk-ace lady telling me to sing or I'd lose customers. I actually laughed at her. I get a call the next morning from the toothless wonder who was my boss that I had a complaint. I didn't bother to respond. She said "Hello???" I said "I think I'm gonna resign...thanks" (I forgot to mention the 64 year old bartender who wanted me to call her "Mother" and that my cologne made her "wet"...yeah. BarfBarfBAAAARF!!!!!)

After I had quit, I was in this musical at the 90's, so after rehearsal I'd hit karaoke downstairs with the cast. There was the tickets, and the books, and the numbers, and the waiting, and the favorites, and trying to write your request after 3 vodka martini's and being CONVINCED that you can just KILL the song "Dust in the Wind"...well, my love for the okey faded from my heart. It just sorta lost it's appeal.

And...I can't sing very well. Did I mention that too?

So, comraderie aside (Because in prior blogs you know I love my teatro' peeps) , I have a different view these days of what makes for a fun night. I really like the scant few evenings that J and I spend together when we both aren't working one of our 17 jobs, and we just hang out together and watch "MXC Challenge" on Spike. And since I'm usually on the low side of a checking balance, racking up a $20 bar tab w/o thinking is somewhat of a luxury for me nowadays. (Boo-Hoo...me and everyone else, right?) Well, There is the whole house and marriage thing. I'm in over my head folks. I won't lie.

But stop over at my place. I'm a heckuva host.

QUICK, WTF SHOULD I BE FOR HALLOWE'EEN!!!! (I Work at a costume shop, and I'm stumped)

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