Thursday, October 21, 2004

All over the place....

A real blog instead of a responsey one:

My explanation of the last title is a result of some more changes which are coming over my Karate school. See, 30 or so years ago, most karate schools didn't use any hand or foot pads...or athletic supporters. One of our Grandmaster's (Who received his black belt from MR. Chuck Norris, Thankyouverymuch.) Well, he recalls the days when you were teased for wearing protective gear.

Jhoon Rhee, one of the founders of American Tae Kwon Do (My school) aka "American Sport Karate", came up with a brilliant idea when he came to the US in the 60's to chase the American Dream and open up a chain of dojang's. Boxing gloves had already been around, so why not hand AND foot pads. Take the fear out of getting yer butt kicked and make it a little safer. While he was at it, he thought up a lightweight and protective head gear. Jhoon worked out the kinks by sparring with Bruce addition to opening up his 1st school in San Fran. (Where Bruce introduce Jeet Kune Do. I couldn't find either school when I visited last August)

Last fall, I found out that if you spar, you have to have a face shield in addition to headgear, or they won't let you fight. A hockey helmet, basically. $60 to $100 investment, on top over your school dues, graduation fees, and tournaments.

Truth is, I understand the safety aspect (There are a couple of douchebags who don't have the best control) nor do I swim so deep in my own machismo that I think that face shields are for pu##ies....(Although they do obstruct your peripheral vision and cause you to drop your head slightly...And if you have a plexi shield, it can sometimes fog up.)

No, that all doesn't bug me. I don't like my face, but I'd like it a lot less if my jaw is broken. I also like my junk. I do not wish it to be crushed by a wayward kick (This means you McArdle)

No. The reason I'm tourqued is that now, after we bow into class, the instructor no longer shouts "Fighting STANCE" causing the students to, you know, go into fighting stances....Rather they now have to shout "GUARD POSITION". Apparently this has to do with us moving towards a kinder and gentler martial arts school.


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