Thursday, October 21, 2004

Guard Position vs. Fighting Stance

1st) Kaiser: Someone told me that there was a big football hullaballoo that someone did at some park...when is that ever gonna happen again.
2nd) G- There has to be time somewhere for wasted youth activity. Sometime. Fricking Gameworks to play games, or something. The one thing about ZCurts bachelor party was that we didn't stick around to play air hockey. I need to play air hockey. Neeeeeeeddddd!!!!!! (Happy anniversary btw. My big bro and his wife had their's on 10/3. It was during G-ma's funeral, but...yeah. 1 year for them)

3rd)Portland- Thanks for your sympathy. (regarding the home) I played volleyball too, but I had to quit when they switched the regulation uniforms to bikini bottoms. Saddlebags and all that nastiness, you know. : )

And just a comment that I remembered from my "Electronic Business Writing" class.
"Ultimately, Electronic Mail is not the best way to convey feelings, or communicate serious matters." So, yeah. GI Joe and Cobra you guys. Whew. My big brother and I did that once. It was ugly. I may blog about that some day too.


Portana said...

I taught communications at the local college back in hicksville and remember that line from the text that I used. Unfortunately, it is the communication choice of younger peeps and I use it myself. It is what I have deduced is a guarded way to get your point across--good or bad, it is used. So I would add my wisdom from teaching: if you use it, use it wisely but dont forget the art of verbal communication. It is much more powerful, articulate and human. Since that is what we are perhaps we should go back to using the voices given to us....

P said...

You're absolutely right, but the same thought can be put into "thinking about what you say before you say it". I've been learning that in my present relationship. (Being the ADD distracted geek that I's kept me from just letting a comment or retort fly without thinking) Also, I'm about airing your dirty laundry to my face. Not out for the world to see. Still, my apologies as it is all none of my business -

And I miss Jedi Power Battles with a passion. McCradle has "Battlefront" and he tells me that it is glorious. I miss having that spare time too. Did I ever tell you I sold my PS1 for booze? It's twue...