Thursday, October 14, 2004

frickin' Thursday drivers....

Etiquette. Manners. Respectful Behavior.
I admit it. I am that guy on the road. Not a road rager, by any stretch of the imagination, but I am the driver my dad didn't want me to be. ( i.e. I drive like my dad) So, I've begun listening to MPR to calm me down a bit. It force's me to listen to news and other "blah diddy blah blah all things considered blah" and I can focus on driving and let go all of that shite driving that I witness. case people forget in the years since drivers ed:
Use your f##king turn signal.
Look over your shoulder before changing lanes...(Oh no, I understand sir or ma'am- you OWN the road, right???)
The freeway entrance is not a slow down, you need to get up to speed...douchebags.
If you feel the pressing need to do the whole vindictive driving thing (Speed up to get ahead of you, then slow waaaaaaay the f##k down just to be a dick) Then I think public transportation is the way to go, my friends.
Don't signal 4 blocks prior to your turn.
Don't slow down for that green light.. really. It means go! Promise!
Buses- I respect and love all things public transportation. Although some (just some, my PT users) bus drivers really, really, really need to get a proctol to remove their heads, from their annussssssssess.
Precipitation+MN= Douchebags. "'s a little misty out...better put on the snow tires and drive 17 mph UNDER the speedlimit. I may very well spin out on 394." Seriously. People. I understand. And yet maybe I don't-understand.

...and for the love of pete, don't read, talk on your cell, put on make up, or drink/been drinking, while driving. It's bad. Look at those poor kids on the news. The guy that hit them? Drunk AND on the cell phone. Seriously, the convo can wait until you are whereever you need to be C#ckmaster. I know for a fact you aren't that important.

Yeah. That covers this mornings commute. SW Mpls to Plymouth. If we get this house, it'll be NE Mpls to Maple Swamp. at least I'll be driving away from rush hour in the morning and away from Rush hour when I come home.

I bet I still find some douchebaggedy drivers. THE PEDAL ON THE RIGHT WORKS!!!

How about you, gentle readers? Any topical driving commentary you'd like to add to this list? And I promise to blog a healthier blog. It was just a bad drive today.

1 comment:

Portana said...

I hear you on the whole weather thing. I live where it rains all the fricking time, yet people think that they need to slow down and drive erratically when 3 drops of rain fall. Back in redneckville (aka Montana) at least they all drove like idiots all the time no matter what the weather was.