Wednesday, October 20, 2004

HIIIII- Keeba!!!!

Tournament Season at USA Karate schools is underway. Oct. 31st is the NCKA's (North Central Karate Association) Northern States Open. I'm really not one for tourney's to begin with, and even though I'm chomping at the bit to whoop it up, I won't be in "fighting shape" by then. (Read: I'm still too chubbly bubbly) I might volunteer to judge/scorekeep if I can. (Which means: I probably won't have time to go.) I've been sitting on the same belt for too long though, so it's more important I attend a majority of regular classes, and fewer sparring classes.

I don't do tourneys because they suck. I was DQ'ed from 2 out of the 3 I've fought in, and to be fair, the judging wasn't all that great. One of the tourney's I was disqualified from, my opponenet kicked me in the gonads. Hard. Cup or not, it made my head swim. (My last thought before I bent over was that I didn't wanna barf. Then I saw my big brother bounding down the bleachers with death in his eyes, and I had to smile.)

I got up again, we clashed, and I socked him in the face. Illegally. Big Bro said it was justified, which is fine by me.

And why've I been sitting on my belt so long? Drama. No, seriously, I mean I've been working pretty consistently since '98 in all sorts of shows, so when you rehearse both at night and weekends, it impinges a little on your capability to train. So, that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Any of my fellow friends reading this (At this point I'm gonna say Portland, G, Kaiser, and the Alaskan Queen of Beauty) have you all had a pasttime that you had to ki-bosh due to something else getting in the way?

ps: To the Oregonian Runner. 2 houses? I'm thinking that every ounce of that "marathon endurance" would be needed to get through that.
pps: Kaiser...I've been without a home PC for over 2 weeks. It's killing both J and I to not have 'net access. My bro is fixing it right now, but if he says it's fried, we're effed, 'cause we can't afford a PC at this delicate point in our home-buying lives.


Frethem said...

Oh lots of things... Music is probably the big one for me. I used to play in a band with some friends from High School. Loved it! Would love to get back into it, but very few people like to play just for the sake of it. They all want to form bands and be famous. Ahwell. Sking, Football, and Basketball would be others that I wish I could do more of.

Portana said...

Of the activities that I love to do but zero time, I had to give up volleyball and soccer during my marathon training. didnt want to risk a stupid injury so I couldnt go out to the TC there and run. Starting up volleyball again though soon. Yea!
I used to volunteer at the community theatre in one of the podunks where I lived in MT (biggest city in montana and only one theatre company, only one community theatre--sad). Miss that--need to get back into that--running didnt allow for that out here either.

And yes, the whole house thing...luckily the first house I bought was by myself and I had no clue what I was doing so my realtor held my hand. The second one was with the ex--that time, wish I was running a marathon, it would have been easier (Banker: Miss Portland, please explain to my why your husband isnt working? Portland: Well Mr. Banker I am putting his ass through school. Banker:*rolling eyes* oh, I see. *cough-loser-cough* Portland: *mumbling curse words*) I do feel your pain....

Anonymous said...

Going out dancing. I used to go twice a week. Even when I'm not training, I still have too much to do to go.

P said...

Ahhhh Dancing. I remember that. Kinda.