Monday, October 18, 2004

21 Grams of Crap

I don't mind movies that follow a disjointed narrative (ala' Memento) but I think that they can be executed perfectly (ala' Usual Suspects) or in a method that confuses and frustrates the viewer, such was my experience with 21 Grams.
Great performances, don't get me wrong- (Benecio, Naomi Watts, Penn....Helllooooo?) but to be up on IMDB's top 250 movies of all time lists? Well let's just say that it was no "Earnest Goes to Camp"...

Just like this last week, the weekend also went by way too quickly. In fact, it went so fast that I wonder if my evil twin doppelganger is off enjoying my weekend with my fiancee', leaving me to speed through it and recount the weird moments. Let's see:

After work Friday, I did 2 G&G tours. The first tour group was private, and the bus was stocked full of all Girl Scouts, age 10. That was actually the fun tour. (I was "mean scary guy" and they called my partner "nice funny guy"- Tough crowd) I was pre-empted several times when the girls noticed Limo's outside of the windows. (LIMO'S!!!! SQQUEEEEEL!!!!) and they were pretty easy to please in terms of being scared/grossed out= All I had to do was say "boys" ("EEEEWWWWWWW BBOOOOOYS!!!!) I didn't think they'd bite, but that was the old standby. The 2nd tour sucked. Our "critic" in the 3rd seat kept asking "Is this tour over yet???!!!" I ripped on her hard, which made her stfu...but it set the tone for the next 2 hours. 'Nuff Said.

Saturday was more 'Fu (A lot of Bo and Aikido concepts. Aikido is fun, except when you are being served pie and land on the floor. If that doesn't make much sense...I'd be happy to demonstrate ; ) I'll have another tirade regarding the newest nomenclature for a "Kinder, Gentler Dojo". Trust me, I may not even wait for tomorrow. This is He-UGE!!! To me anyway.
Hit the gym to jog, and get a shoulders/arm/leggy work out in. Rented "21 A$$ Grams" and promptly fell asleep.

Sunday was meeting with our agent to get the purchase agreement signed, and drive by the home. There's a "Sold" sign up on it. That's for us, btw. : )
Mom's birthday was last night. She wanted us all (Dad, bro, bro's wife, Julio, and yours truly) to check out IKEA. I'll rant on IKEA later. It was a trip. TGI Fridays for din-din, her presents, and cocktails and we called it a night.

And it was a nice night. I just couldn't believe I was up again at 5:45.

As for my new "posters": I'd like to shout out my appreciation to a new anonymous responder (who I happen to think is pretty crazy because she likes to run exorbitantly long distances.) Thank You for your condolences. I'm gonna G-ma Rose a lot.

And for the 2nd new poster, now dubbed "Portland"....Some dumb MF almost plowed into me on my way home from the studio this Saturday. Dude was on his cell phone. Prick. (BTW folks, Portland is also a little crazy due to her predilection for running exorbitantly long distances. I've got two marathoners here. The oxygen level on this sight just went up 25%.)

Later Masturbator


Portana said...

Marathoners arent crazy; there is a reason for their supposed maddness. We just have some amazingly good endurance, hence why we run so much. *mind wandering to examples of endurance* Bad portland....;)

Anonymous said...

Portland is very naughty, but she has a point... :)