Saturday, February 21, 2009


Hey. Been a while. Quick public service announcement before the frass.

If you...yeah, you. If you are so frakkin lazy that you have to push your cart up to the- wait for it-


Not into it. Not...not even remotely far off like some poor destitute cart ready for the cart graveyard. I'm talking the acme of laziness. You leave it 12 feet from where it needs to go. Or set next to it in a parking space thinking "N'aaahhhh....someone will move it" (I picture this in a Bugs Bunny voice, so shup)

Gah. People. Just. Push. It's less of a courtesy than opening a door for someone. Why not honk at the person with the walk sign and curse. While you're stopped. GAH!!!

For the record, I had to actually get out of my car and move a cart so I could park next to the cart holder. Perverse, Paranoid thoughts of some ne'er do well running behind me to bogart my vehicle while I do this heroic and altruistic task notwithstanding, I cussed up a blue streak.

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