Thursday, February 26, 2009

Day two- Calm before the storm.

I have a resolve list I'm bound and determined to stick with. Get up at the same time daily, check my business by the minute, and not spend any $ unless absolutely neccessary. I'm emailing Portana with questions and her response is inspiring. I'm starting to get some personal messages and emails with thoughts and encouragement. Mom is sending Craigslist ads that I respond to with fervor. And, I get my first nibble from a temp agency who I promptly play phone tag with.

I'm a smidge quesey still, but make it to the gym/run and make the most of my new-found freedom with an offer of free pizza by Moda. We run into Ari who is concilitory regarding my situation. I jokingly ask if he needs an assistant and he says he does. He, in turn, jokes that he can remember this (Insert obscure 70's sitcom theme song) but not his next meeting.

I head back home for more business checking, and file for dreaded unemployment. It's an intimidating process for me. The questions seem invasive, and at this time I'm not sure I'm reading them correctly. A Yahoo feature speaks of unemployment, things getting worse, and a puddle of bile swirls in my belly. I continue my movie marathon from the night before. I've finished "40 Year Old Virgin", "300", and decide the "LotR" extended editions should follow. (I make it through all of these in record time due to my habit of fast forwarding past the boring bits. Which means all the walking and talking expository crap in "LotR" goes by at 8 x's FF)

Still scared, still attempting optimism, I get the 2nd email from the other co-worker. I start to cry again. I have a beer and call it a night. I notice that I skipped dinner, and realize that this is starting to resemble my "getting dumped" diet. No good. Hopefully my appetite will return.

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