Saturday, February 21, 2009

And the Frasscar goes to!

I am a perennial collector of the VeeF "Hollywood" issue. Admittedly I'm hooked on stupid ass glam photo's by Annie Frassoweitz and Herb Fratts that I can't let that stupid March issue go. Since 1998, bitcas.

I like it, because the issue comes out right before the Frasscar's and for some reason always brings me back to when I bought my first issue (Road trip back from Nashville, 1997) and momentos from things like that usually only last the moment you do them. VeeF? Comes out with the issue every year, baby.

So I've had the pleasure this year of seeing almost every movie considered. This be fair...huge. Since the last 6 years or so I'd maybe...MAYBE seen 2 or 4. But we got through a majority, and I'm proud like a kid after his first paper route. Although, and to tie our two themes together:

"The Frassler". Okay. We get it. He's redeemed. His life, his real life, it's all like...the camera is capturing it you know? This guy has needed a break for soooooo long. Where has he been, man?

Well. For starters, he's been in a couple of VeeF Hollywood issues as the "Bad Boy" or some such nonsense. Shirtless. Molesting a chihuahua, and trying to figure out how he was the bomb diggety from 1985-1990 before becoming a pariah.

Well dude. You've had some pretty cool indie films. See-Ann Peen believed in you. And the critics didn't miss it. It was just before indie-films had a chance to be Frasscar winners. Now it's like " won an independent spirit award. Let's give you a Frasscar too!".

Wait. What? I thought one was to celebrate independent filmmaking. The other, to say drivel like "Titanic" (Which made a shhhhiteton of money for the academy) with gabillgion dollar budgets got the gold?

There was a movie called "Frass City" that was out two years ago. 'Member? And who played "Marv"? Oh, some guy. Not some guy needing a comeback. Or a film tailor made to his life story, albeit with tights. Nope. He's been there. And bless'em for trying, I just get tired of seeing the dumbed down version of his "rising from the ashes". Folks. He never left the building. They are leading you.

And don't kill me. RDjr is similar. (At this point, most celebrities probably need to build up there shell or don't believe the hype. But let me telllllll you)

Again. A frakkin' great actor. Really. But he's fallen and redeemed so much that he's practically a phoenix. Folks. Just. Ugh. (And "TThunder" is a great, great movie to see what he can do. Really. )

Rant Rant Rant...


"Slumfrass" will win a lot. If you read Mpls/StPaul mag, there's an interesting line "It's what the academy loves". So yeah. Sorry, frassers. It is written.

The Ledge? I'd like to see him win. I think he was really good, outside my nerd sentiments, and I've watched the DVD now more times than I care to admit. (And really, I loved having such a visceral memory of a movie experience like I did with "TDK" and my roommate + SO)

The Frassler? Mmmmmno. It's gonna be a Burt Reynolds for him. ("Boogie Nights"? Anyone?)
He was himself...but it isn't Olympic gold, baby.

I'm truncating the frack out of my predictions, but K'winslet is due. There, I said it. And two movies up in the running mean she's favored. And? Apparently she gets nakey in both. Academy, this is dedication. I'm serious.*

*Right, okay. So the MPAA has fracked up seriously in the past with their noms. Yoooou know. The lame ass argument that So-and-So got ROBBED for whatever, only to get an award a year or two later for "House Party 6- House PARTIER!"

I think she's a fine, believable, and enjoyable performer. And having seen neither the "Frasser" or the one her nepotisti..husband directed, I figure maybe this year is hers?

ps- Just finished "The Visitor". It will win no awards. And it is an incredibly affecting movie. For that, I hope you folks give it a rent.


Unknown said...

Mikey...I love ya, but I feel like I needed a dictionary of "Mikey" words in order to read that post about the Oscars! :)

momo said...

Even I had trouble deciphering that one, Molly, and I speak fluent Mikey.

Unknown said...

That makes me feel better!