Monday, April 02, 2007


I...didn't sleep last night.

Wait, rewind.

Sunday was a day of rest. After a frassy Saturday (The afore-blogged foot injury) a great night at Mario's (Happy B'day Chowsie. Hope you didn't find yourself at the bottom of too many boots) moving onto another great b'day at Nye's (Ugh. I am glad I missed the vomtastic action behind us. Gross gross gross.) it was, in a few words...a long assed day.

So Sunday we slept, got up , studied for a while at Wilde Roast, and headed to the new Lunds to get some lunch/dinner (Thanks Dorajar's Mom for the gift card.) That new NE Lunds is pretty sweet too. No pay parking. Clean. Friendly staff (Like. Friendly friendly small town friendly.) An amazing deli (Including Mediterranean/Indian food area's) If it wasn't so cost-prohibitive I'd probably do a shite ton more shopping there. We headed back home for lunch and a nap where I had a s#itty dream that I lost my house to a new owner without prior knowledge. Yeah, I show up and this lady that looked kinda like Christine Baranski was putting a massage studio in my bedroom and putting up all of this faux rock/brick inlay where the hardwood was. I was pissed.

Afterwards, we hit a matinee of "300" (Which you should all. See. F#cking cool.) before heading home for dinner and another movie ("Little Miss Sunshine". Which you should all. See.)

Din-Din was devine: Fresh caught salmon, steamed rice w/lime & cilantro. Garlic rosemary bread. And spinach salad with a balsamic soy dressing. W/full bellies, we headed upstairs, watched the movie. And bed.

Which circles back to my first train of thought. I don't think I got more than an aggregate 2 hours sleep last night. I was suhWEATING bullets, and I'd switch between under the covers, above the covers (Dried, cooled off) then back under the covers (sswwwwwweat) and above the covers. 2:00 am (Okay, 3.5 hours. Plenty of rest.) 3:17am (Sighs..still 2+ hours) 4:30 a.m. (This isn't going to happen, is it?) 5:26 am (I bet I start to sleep, right about BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP)

Urf. So it was probably the rich late dinner which caused my metabolism to race like a demon, the nap earlier in the day, the diet coke during the movie (I was groggy before we sat down to watch it...and belching is fun)

Anyway, feeling out of body today. May post something appropriately rambly later. Urf.

1 comment:

P said...

Naw. I think that it was the nap and the tummy full of food that did me in.


olfapdic? Olfapedic? A the science of smelling feet? What am I, Al Bundy???