Thursday, April 12, 2007

To re-cap...there is, so much

I know I haven't been as diligent with posting. Work has been keeping me busy, per normal. And there was a lot of lead up excitement/nerves/impatience to get my nephew good and berfed. On top of all that, the extra-curriculars:

1- "GMIKFTH" has been chugging along for the last 3 weeks. The 'Ography is coming back, slowly but surely. I miss having cats like MD and RSvP in the show, but HE selfishly decided to up and make his wife preggers or something. Jerk. We're doing the same goofy s#it, albeit rehearsing in a smaller room with (I'm hoping) less broken glass ground into the floor. Actually...Have we rehearsed anything besides "Oedipus"? Will we? Guys? FRASSSSSSS

2- "Five Fifths of the Fringe-2007" This coming Monday we'll (And by "we'll", I mean "No Refunds") be performing at the Fringe Fundraiser @ the Southern with 4 other theatre companies. We've been given the last 5th of "The Wizard of Oz" to Kung-Fu (ck) up. Rehearsals for that beast have been up and down pour moi. (Feeling old, frassy, sore, and not very martial-artsy) ASIDES from all that, it'll be good times I'm sure. I think people are going to like what we do. Annnnnnd we have one rehearsal left before we are at go-time.


3- "Kung Fu Hamlet" at Centennial High School, Circle Pines. Well, I got tapped to be a fight choreographer. There I said it. TLC obtained the rights, and I'm actually getting PAID to do this shite!?! Can you believe it? I'm putting together scene breakdowns, watching the tape (reviewing the tape? Isn't that what fighters do?) yadda yadda. I showed up to the school last night for a preliminary warm-up/fitness check. I got to explain the show and concept. Then I led the kids through a bunch of stretches, got a head count of who has previous martial arts experience (0, with the exception of a guy who did Tung So Doo 4 years ago. He's maaaaybe going to be our Hammy. We'll see.) teach them some basic stances/punches/kicks so that the director can see how they move. I talk to the kids about who can do kip-ups or aerials (0..but they seemed eager to learn) And we watched the movie.

I seem to be doing a lot of kung fu stuff. I might need to slip a "straight" play in one of these days. Most folks'll think I can't act unless someone is reading my lines off stage and I'm trying to punch Shinobi-wan in the throat...

And I rehearse almost Every. Single. Day.


Ry-gonn and I hit a T'Wolves game last Saturday where I ate way too much brat-age, french fry-age, and Miller Lite Beer-age out of plastic bottles. (Note to self: Bring your own flask and buy soda. At $7 a pop, those beers be expensive.) Dorajar and I have been frassin' over when and if we'll ever be able to take a vacation this year. (Current ideas are: Flying to Colorado, renting a car, and driving down through the Southwest, ala' 4 corners.) Still trying to do practice tests for my "6" and get my score up over 80% (I'm still down in the 60%ile) I've gone over to Redwrights for a couple of soaks, and I'm fixing to sneak over more often. Annnnnnnd, I need to do my frassin' taxes.

I hit a sushi lunch at Wasabi with buddies, and that night we ate an Early Easter Greek din-din at the Gardens of Salonica with ma and pa P. Easter itself was spent studying, and then hit Ma and Pa Dorajar's with X, Chenny, Pad, and G-ma. We ATE all day some wonderful nibbles and managed to polish off...(sigh) go with me: 3 magnums of Pinot Grigio and a couple of other bottles of wine. Oof.

Oh, and the big brother baby factory. That's pretty huge news too.

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