Monday, April 16, 2007


"I'm going to be an extravagant womanizer until I find 'Ms. Right'..."
From the diary of Baby P, circa Spring 1990.

It's a little weird that Dorajar and I have been reading each other's old journal excerpts to one and other. (Although, she WAS jonesin' to get to the naughty bits about lost virginity, etc.) Weirder still (to me) is that 1990 had very...different meanings to each of us. The following are some excerpts of my journal circa 1990. Please note, I wasn't just angsty and hormonal in every single entry I wrote in my hasty scribble. I did have some interesting current events that I wrote about, including my "at the time" political leanings. (Which, remarkably, were similar to my folks. Go fig. They are posted later for your pleasure)

Highlights from my archaic journalling...:

"I'm feeling love pangs towards________" ("Pangs"? Really?)
"I'm taking _________ to the Sculpture Gardens for some spiritual release"
"I'm excited because I might get (RSvP's) room!"
"They had a party with out me. B****!"
"I played an ultra-good game of hockey, scoring with .00001 seconds left"
"The teacher accused me of cheating on the test but I didn't. I guess God likes me"
"It was an uneventful weekend in an uneventful life"
"I got a call from 5 different girls!"
"French kissing is the BEST!"
"And I DIDN'T have sex with her, thank you. And I'm VERY proud of myself for that." (How proud can you be when you're 15 and hormonal? Pretty proud I guess.)
"Went to the party. _______ sat around like a lump. Great"

And for the aforementioned political/current events of 1990-1991-

"Gorbachev visited today. My dad met him, shook his hand, and gave him a hat"
"Go Bush!"
"Well, the ground war started today in Iraq. Pray for our troops"
(And a later thread...when the journal was tapering off)
"Bill Clinton was just elected president. The first Democrat in over 12 years."
(I could smell the love pangs at losing a Republican president. Smell 'em. Funny that I don't remember leaning that way as a kid.)

All of this, contained, in a black velvet diary from B-Daltons. Complete with a silver unicorn on the cover. Yup. My gernal. Wow.

So, If anyone wants some cheap fun I encourage you to read (if you kept them) any and all old letters/journals/diaries. Hands down, the best entertainment you can find.


Portana said...

I had to destroy all of my old journal because my ex got a hold of them and read them. Flipped him out. He apologized for it but they scarred his mind enough that I had to shred them and throw them to show him that it was my past life I was talking about.

And people wonder why I left him...

momo said...

That's hardcore off-limits stuff. The only time it's appropriate to read another's secret thoughts is if you're both drunk and they're reading it to you out loud and you're both laughing hysterically at what nincompoops we all used to be.