Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Pics of Five Fifth's...*

To make MD and RSvP remember what they're missing...(Monday, 4/16/2007) I'm the one with the old-school plasticky sparring gear and yellow belt. Get it? Cowardly lion=yellow? Gah, the internal choices of an actor...

More to come. Go see "Greatest Moments of Kung Fu Theatre History" at Intermedia Arts. Friday's, Saturday's, and Sunday afternoons May 3rd through 13th. We may even get beers after. Or tea, if you are a tea-totaler.


Unknown said...

I am so jealous.
Stupid job and all the travel I have to do :(

Roman said...

I'm more jealous.

And yes, I assure you I know exactly what I'm missing.

bdole ex-presidential candidate

Shinobi-wan said...

hah ha missers