Saturday, March 31, 2007

It ain't a kung fu show unless I get hurt...

Quotes from todays rehearsal:

Masser D: "Well, it's supported by the text..." (A comment born from the fact that I suggested the trio attack the "great and powerful Oz" with a flurry of "Tornado Kicks"...Get it? Gah. Heathens. Watch the movie)

Chowsible: "Dude, I'm sorry. You get hurt in every single show we do"

In all fairness, I don't think I got hurt in "Pop-Top-Frassy-Banana-Hammock Fringe show" I may have hurt people's eyes when I careened off stage nearly nekkid...but I did okay otherwise.

That's right, folks. At 'hearsal today we managed to obtain the GTLChurches "Robby Room" that was vacant to do our lil' practice skit for "5/5th's O' Da Fringey". It's nice b/c it's bigger than the fireside room and gives a chance to do our thang. So we're frasseda frasseda frasseda frassing away the afternoon. Kickin' and punchin' and trying our bestest to be the creative types we pretend to be. I was gonna put my shoes on to run to the loo when I thought I first noticed blood on the hardwood.


I came back and took my shoesies and socks off when I saw some on my sock when I thought...fuck. Figuring I could continue until I noticed I was...ahem..."leaving a trail"...I sat there sweating and looking at my foot for any possible signs of the source of the injury (Through the accumulation of grossness and dried...ichor.)

Here is where I should say that my unnatural weirdness towards germs comes in. I have a pretty high "ick factor", but when your brain starts thinking "Hey, this is the kids play room. Unswept. Probably crawling with cooties. And you have an open cut on your foot". Needless to say I found myself distracted. And upset that I allowed myself to distract myself from the rehearsal that we needed. (We do our thang in two weeks time) I thought if I put my shoes on and said "Hey. I got an owie. I'll be continuing with shoes" that would help shield my conscience and body from disease. It was only when I put pressure down on my foot that I realized the worst: There was something in the cut that was causing discomfort. (Not pain. I'm a tough mammie jam) And would need removal before we continued.

Our scene was about to start and I selfishly had to ask Herr Direcktor for a mo' to dig around the cut and find the irratible source. No easy feat b/c (A) I had just cut my nails and no one had a tweezers...well, to be fair Shinobi-wan offered a knife. And (B) it was covered in schmutz. Gross.

So the rest of the crew cleaned my foulness from the floor. (Sorry, Torch, if you're in there) while I delicately felt around my footsies for the source. It was found, in the form of an itty-bitty piece of glass/plastic that was no bigger than the tip of a pencil. I wiped my foot down as best I could. The rest of the group put their shoes on as well. And we continued until the end.

All told, I didn't feel as par as I could have. My 'ography felt stiff and "uncool". I, felt stiff and uncool. In my mind, I felt like I was going through the motions and was moving like a novice on their first day of their "30-day trial program" at (insert style of martial art here) instead of a guy who has been working on his style for almost a decade. (God, RSvP. I remember when you first said that about yourself. It sounds so big when you say "A decade") So, I was tired, self-loathable, frassy, and in need of de-bacterialising.

Tonight, I hope to be different. I'm going to Chowie's thing at the German Ba'. Then Melinite's thing at the Nordeast Old School Ba'. Then home. Then bed.

If my foot gets amputated...I hope they let me keep it.

ps: Um. There might be a chance that Robb the b-boy might not be able to do ONE night of "GMIKFTH". Iiiiiiii know you're going to be all dad-like and stuff, but I was wondering if the big bro could scam out of changing pampies for one night to, uh, sub in? IJS. Thought I'd ask in a public forum. HA!

pps: The wunnerful Dorajar got me a gift today, on a whim. A candle that smells like "my heritage"...Japanese Cherry Blossom. It smells amazing. And making me feel more Asian than I should. I love amazingly thoughtful and random gifts.

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