Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Geograpy bits

She's gonna start charging me for these....thanks Rusty.

5 things about where I live

  1. I live ridiculously close to the casa del Redwright/Wagner
  2. It's considered an "Up and Coming Neighborhood"
  3. We have a two story house. If I've gone on an impressive jog, those stair suck.
  4. We bought the 11th house we looked at. It may have been a fixer-upper, sans functional garage (It's an old Model T garage)- but the selling points were a new roof, new electric, new ac, new heater, new-er windows, and the potential for a 2nd and even 3rd bathrooms. It was nice to have the "big" things that would have been a bitch to have fixed up, out of the way first. And that's basically turning a frown upside down.
  5. The basement (Knock on wood) is ridiculously dry for an older home. The inspector blames the huge non-porous foundation blocks which were used to build during pre-cinder block technology. Apparently they were drug in on large logs by Egyptian Slaves, whilst the Pharaohs of Olde Nordeast look oer their kingdom.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

5 things about where I live:

#1 - I live ridiculously close to the home of the Geikenberg's... I keep hoping mine is an up and coming neighborhood... time will tell! But, it's awesome to have the puppy patrol right across the park.
#2 - I have a panic room. In my bathroom, there is a closet that I seriously didn't even know was there until I'd moved in. Totally a great place to hide!
#3 - I could have a 2 car garage if the alley / driveway allowed it. With the angles there are to deal with, there's no way. Especially with the new beast I'm drivin'!
#4 - I've got a great built in buffet in the diningroom. Major selling point for me... LOVE IT!
#5 - It's kinda little - but it's super cute and charming and one day, when I can afford it, it will be perfect for just me! Lil' bit cramped w/ a roommie, just means we get very close to each other ;-)