Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Weef Stealin'

She always has her some good me-me's:

7 quirks (Extended from the 5 quirks in Weefville.)

  1. Gotta have an empty sink- I hate dishes.
  2. I am extraordinarily complimentary. (When I was a young man, Dad told me that it wins friends and influences people. And gramma used to say "Flattery will get you everywhere". Try it. It makes people feel good for a change.)
  3. (This one will seem creepy) When I meet people, or if I'm out and about, or whatever: I always size up the situation/person. How you carry yourself, posturing, Do you lead with your left or your right, have they had training, etc. It's not a "I could take 'em" kind of thing- more like precautionary analysis. That's why I hatehatehate obnoxious folks who like to throw "fake punches" or exhibit violent outward tendencies. Or even folks who say "Boo!". One half of me just let's it slide, the other half fights the urge to take the person out. It probably makes little sense...but that's why it is a quirk, right? To my reader, Molly buck-buck...ask Ry-Gonn about the time he was goofing and wanted to hit me. (Just try and hit me Napoleon.)
  4. I hate making phone calls too. I like face to face's, setting up emails. I just suck at making outbound calls. (When I was a kid, I used to get all frumpy when my mom would ask me to call stores for their hours of operation.) Funny though, I was completely compulsive when it came to calling up J and setting up a first date.
  5. I'm a noticer. Call it ADHD, short attention span, whatever. I'm always looking at rooms and surroundings, and people. Trust me...I'm listening. I'm just taking in the world is all. (I thought of this because of my Sunday trip to the farmers market, I saw a building with Lion-Head reliefs sticking out midway up. And some dude at the Market had a tank top with the name of my elementary school on it.)
  6. This may fall into the realm of overshare, but I groom meticulously in order to be a more considerate lover. That means shaving in the evening, keeping the fingie and toenails short, brushed teeth, no ridiculously stinkie food unless the partner has had it. This is also to have a more kissable mug when going out in public.
  7. I always have to sit facing the door at a restaurant. When I wait for J to be seated first, she usually picks that seat and it drives me nuts. (Trust me, I've gotten over it, but what if some ne'er do well comes in to start a fracas? How will I be able to provide the anti-fracassing?)

Gimme your 5 quirks.


Portana said...

*I eat ANY leftover cold. Never heat it up again. Not sure why, but it works for me.

*I rarely change jewlery that I wear. Its the same hoops and diamonds in my ears, same navel ring, same watch, ring and braclet. I might throw a necklace or toe ring on for sport or change out the hoops for a night on the town, but thats it.

*I will not eat tomatoes, but will eat tomato soup, salsa and drink V-8. Its a consistancy thing. Same with bananas. Love banana bread, hate bananas.

*I will not date a guy who wears white tennis shoes for a night out on the town. did it once and it drove me insane (I also convinced him to change his shoe habits). Red necks and white trash are out as well--mean but I have standards.

*I check my personal email every half hour (and I actually time it out). Easily distracted at work is my middle name.

Anonymous said...

#1 - Won't eat rasins - but I'll eat rasin bran.

#2 - I'm obsessed w/ pink... the obsession is getting a little better, but I am still wearing pink cargo pants right now.

#3 - I will almost always fall asleep when watching movies - in the theatre, not as often... but it still happens... at home, every single freakin' time!

#4 - My dog - need I say more?

#5 - I like my job. I'm learning this is a rarity, but after 2.5 years, I would still rather spend a day at work than just stay home and do nothing.

I'm sure others might come up with a different list of my top five quirks - but these were the first to come off the top of my head. I could probably keep going, but I will spare you.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for remembering me, P! I rarely miss a day. You're funny people. :)