Friday, July 08, 2005

It's ridiculously busy here at the oriface, so I've decided to be blatantly lackadaisical and post the illustrious: 3rd blog!!! (Also, I was walking by some dude's desk here and he has a color 8 x 10 picture of Ronald Reagan on the wall of his cube . WTF? What inspires my weirdness? Seeing someone elses.)


  1. I'm weird about symmetry. I've tried to teach myself to be ambidextrous in order to maintain balance. After I take a shower, I dry left to right. (I'm right handed, if you hadn't guessed. Sometimes I'll try to dry off in the opposite direction but it feels weird.) In karate, it's the opposite (Left side is stronger at punching/kicking.)
  2. I think Exaggeration can be fun.
  3. I like my job. Not a lot, but I like it.
  4. I used to eat burnt match heads as a kid
  5. And raw oysters, but I've blogged 'bout that before
  6. I guess I'm saying I ate some weird crap as a kid. Like that marshmallow spread on peanut butter sandwiches.
  7. Speaking of showers, I shave in the shower and...
  8. I always shower in the evening. (A man shaves during the day, a gentleman at night.)
  9. As kids, we rescued hurt or injured wild animals. My brother and I "rescued" farm eggs from Iowa & put'em in an ice cream bucket under a lamp. They hatched, and we ended up raising two chickens to adulthood. When we gave them back to the farm, they both committed suicide in the horse water-trough. Apparently they were delicious.
  10. I loathed fundraising. Whether it was for scouts, hockey, choir, whatev. It sucked. I begged my parents to take the (candy, wreaths, sausages) to work.
  11. My 8th grade Art Teacher had a terrific saying for ignoring gossip and 2nd hand news "Consider the Source". He had it up on the wall on a postcard, written in calligraphy. I've never forgotten that.
  12. I love remembering 1st meetings, or run-ins. If you want me to email you our first, or a memorable run-in, let me know.
  13. I hate guns, and I hate gambling. I'm doubtful I would have ever survived in the old West.
  14. I believe in past lives. (Yeah, I was a samurai. And I probably did some pretty heinous things, cause some days I think I'm paying for it.)
  15. In grade school, my favorite animal was the panther, and my favorite state was South Dakota. Now, I'm my own favorite animal.
  16. When I was 6, and swimming in the Gulf of Mexico a jellyfish swam up my butt. It got scared and lashed itself all around my body. To this day, it's caused me to be deathly afraid of thong underwear.
  17. See comment #2 regarding exaggeration. (It sounded better than "I got 2rd degree burn sunburn and had to spend 3 days in bed, smothered in burn-cream")


Portana said...

OK, P, what is wrong with PB and marsh-e-mellow goodness sanmmiches? God bless goo.

So do you remember when we first met? I do :D

Frethem said...

You can't sit there and say you like to exaggerate... how are we supposed to believe a single thing you just told us?

Anonymous said...

Ok first of all who is the person who told you" men shave in the morning......?
And I would love to hear when we first met. I wonder if it's the same memory that I have.
He my kid turns one on Monday. Can you believe that shit!!!!!!!!!
And yes I did coin the phrase..........And you truly are. *sigh*

P said...

There wasn't anything wrong w/it. It was great, because even when the 'mallow started to dry out to the consistency of styrofoam- 3 minutes in the 'wave and it was perfectly malleable again. (It pissed off me mum due to the mess it made in their.)

ButterflyG- did (Well, my pop started it by telling me as a wee lad "A gentleman shaves at night") 'Course you also made me fall in love with the term "Rubenesque" and Fresh Wok Chinese Food.

He turns 1? Has it been a year already?

P said...

Oh fer sure Weef. Bring up THAT memory. (Geef was talking about the "Beeeeeach" and I was talking about "Janosh will F--- you NOW!") Guhhhrrr "Fluffernutter". Old rubber cement was easier to open than that stuff.

Portana- If the 1st time I met you was at the '03 small theatre X-mas party, well I'm hugely sorry since I was a little drunkish.

I recall all of us meeting for cocktails at Tonic on the upstairs patio...and having a "lit" conversation about light rail and life insurance with the L-H's. (And probably making my poor beautiful fiancee' feel left out of the conversation) : (

Oh, and not knowing that your name was anything but "Portland" because kaiser only mumbled it to me in passing. (I had to have him clarify it later, and then say it over and over again to remember.)