Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Pancake FEEEVAH!

This weather is just so loverly. It really is. The AC is off. My run last night didn't cause me to have "swimmy-vision" by the last mile. And I can drive with my windows down... Which, on the last stretch of my commute to work, puts me in sniffin' distance of Perky-Perky Buck Buck restaurant. (You know, I don't think I ever did a Fembers/Denny/Perky lunch or dinner item, ever? Maybe the wayward appetizer or breadbowl heated up with a side of marinara when I was hammered. But my eyes ALWAYS go to the brefkissed menu.)

This morning, I caught the most delicious wiff O' pancakes. And did that ever stimulate a Pavlovian response. I got this sudden urge to get chocolate chip pancakes from IHOP. A pretty self-explanatory meal- 5 pancakes with butter, and a shiteload of chocolate chips. It is a meal that is both terrible and delicious all at once. It got me wondering (in lieu of my commentary a few weeks back on "Fluffer-Nutter" and Peanut Butter sammiches)

What sort of strange food pairings did you either used to, or currently enjoy? I think the weirdest food I'm into is BBQ Chicken/Sauerkraut pizza from Luce'. Don't scoff! It uniquely delish. (I also am curious to try this recipe for chicken breast, pre-treated in a solution of coffee/orange zest/saltwater. Just curious)

Don't cheat now. Yogurt covered pretzels don't count


Portana said...

I have two food pairings that I love and people look at me like "WTF Portana"--the first is peanut butter and ricotta cheese on a whole wheat tortilla shell. The other is cous-cous and baked beans. I know, I am weird.

Frethem said...

White Castle and well... Anything?

Anonymous said...

Last night I had pizza at JP's that had bacon, cashews and currents... very interesting and quite good. Growing up the favorite combo was McD's french fries dipped in their chocolate shake... mmmmmmmmmmmm.

P said...

No points for "general" gross food or stuff you munch after bar.
(I like raw oysters and tabasco sauce. Mmmmmmmmmm. Or Eggs and Tabasco Sauce. Mmmmmm)

Portana. Wow. Just, um, yeah.

P said... you want fries with that...Shake? Arrrgh. That's a, unique??? Food pairing.

That 'za sounds tasty good. A friend of mine took me to Xander in St. Paul and the sous chef prepared rabbit with a raisin/mint sauce that was pretty good. After 3 Bellini's anything will probably taste terrif.

And my dad? Still thinks that Mac and Cheese with cut up hot dogs is gourmet. Take that, Redwright, as a measure of the P's trailer-parkiness. ; )

Frethem said...

I always liked to come up with my own soda mixes at fast food joints... You know, combine like Coke, Sprite, Orange, Root Beer, and Dr. Pepper to see what it tastes like?

Tallen, what's JP's?

Anonymous said...

JP's is the little place across the alley from the Jungle. Over priced, fancy stuff... nice atmosphere... odd food combinations.

P said...

Fuck, Kaiser. You just reminded me of what my big brother and I used to do at Godfather's Pizza.
(Wasn't it called a "suicide"?)

Man we were gross kids.

And Portana- The whole "Cheese and Peanut Butter" deal I've heard of...but just don't get. (My daddy-o still makes PB and American Cheese. I just think: Grody.)

P said...

Redwright...I think that it's prounounced "Gubmint Cheese"

S.O.S. was a staple growing up. During my first job in a kitchen at a care center, I would nearly throw up whenever it was served.

Corned Beef and hash. Also a tasty treat.

And sunnies. Panfried sunfish. There were bags upon bags of them in the Freezer outside.

(btw: The concept of an "expiration date" was lost on my family. If the milk went bad, I would pour it out. As punishment, my brother and I would have to make powdered milk. Makes "Skim" taste like Buttermilk if you've ever had that. And it destroys your cereal.)