Thursday, June 30, 2005


The ice breaker question of the day issss:

What is your limit for touching between platonic friends?

Are the platonic friends currently in a relationship with other people? If not, I think it anything goes...and it truly depends on the friends involved. (I've seen some weird shit go down between "friends". Where you look and think to yourself "Damn". Or, if you're like me you say out loud "DAMN!") Hugs and Kisses I are fine (So long as the mouth doesn't open) and I know that I'm guilty of a little ass grabbing here and there. And you know something, the closest I ever came to cheating on someone was when I was starting to get to know J and the "casual touches" started setting off my Spider-Sense. ( she being flirty? We boys can be so thick.) Actors have a tendency of being a little more touchy feely than most I think our "limits" are a little bit higher. You know, I know a dude who is borderline haphephobic (Fearful of touching.) where he can shake hands, but that's about it. Always uncomfortable for a boy like me who is big on "hughello's".

True story-

During my bachelor days of yore, I would mercilessly kick people out of my apartment if I was ready for bed. When the verbal warning came my clothes...followed by a threat that I would hug them if they didn't leave. I'm honestly suprised that Ry-Gonn still talks to me after that fiasco'.

"Arrrrgh get away, get away, that's fucking disGUSTING!"


Frethem said...

Yeah, well... I lived with Don "American" Eitel. Nuff said.

Anonymous said...

Theatre folk are a rather touchy feely group... One night after a show a bunch of peeps were saying g'bye and huggs were flyin' all around. My cousin was there and we were both huggin' everyone around us, we get to each other and stop and stare. We do not come from a touchy family... yet, we were both partaking in the hugs from others. I grabbed him and hugged him like there was no tomorrow! That, I do believe, was the first time I hugged my cousin.

Portana said...

Ok, so limits. It REALLY depends on a lot of factors.
Yes, actors are more huggie, touchie, feelie....plop one of y'all in the middle of Montana and they'll think y'all are a lot strange.

Touching is fine depending on the relationship with the person, and the persons SO, and the setting and alcohol, and, and, and....

Yeah, this is a grey question with a grey answer. Sorry P.

P said...

That's Funny.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure that taking your clothes off makes EVERYONE leave. Remember I've known you for a long time and also know many of your old friends. *wink*

P said...


Is, it getting warmer in here? I was under the distinct impression that it was cooling off, but, wait, wait. Nope, sorry guys that's just me. (Damn! I'm blushing again!)