Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Quick Fat Rant

Just to be clear. I think most of you know this anyways.

I don't think that I'm obese. I know and fully understand obesity and all of the health issues that go around it. And I know I am not that. You may have that impression by reading my blog, but clearly you need to understand satire.

I do not have an eating disorder. I love eating, and most of you know that we (J and I ) like to eat healthy. Some day (maybe today, who knows?) I'll bore you with how I used to eat or with what I could eat. But nowadays, organic lo-calorie and lo-fat food will be fine. 'Kay? Something that saddens and disgusts me are these "Cults of Ana" that anorexic girls are starting. Eeeeee. They just need help.

I have an ideal of what I want to look like. It is a practical image of what I can acheive with my body type and genetics. And yeah, it's tough when you are born with a natural propensity for weight gain (opposite of Kaiser) but that's what you gotta go through. If it offends or irritates you, tough hop.

I grew up a pudgy kid. Moobs and everything. (KWT's son and I had this bonding conversation backstage one night) Teased etc. Puberty was a blessing for me ('cept for the mullet of course) Folks, this ain't some excuse or a "Poor me, look at me wah wah wah". It's just how I was built. It didn't make me angry or bitter. BUT I still have a fat kids mindset, and a fat kids metabolism. (If you've ever seen my delightful fat-kid nipples, you'll know what I mean) I'm actual kinda glad being a pudge-pot was the only problem. At least I never got acne.

If I seem to obsess over fitness/exercise/diet understand that it is really the only way I can keep focused on it. Otherwise I will get lethargic, lazy, and turn to the neighborhood Toxic Bell for comfort. For some folks it's easy, others- not so much. I'm just not one of those terrific self-motivators.

I keep a couple of pics of myself around. 1, was when I was in shape. And 2 others- Not so much. (At least one of them, thankfully, I have a t-shirt on. But, I had 195 lbs. on my frame. I don't wear it well.)

A (recent) ex teased me about my "Chubby Gut" when I was stretching out a few years ago. When I said "That's kinda mean" she justified it by saying I was in better shape when we first met.

In terms of motivation and maintaining a healthy lifestyle= Having a dancer for a future wife is a blessing too. As is, I'm sure, having a marathon runner for a wife. Just don't practice your triple gainer onto the sidewalk. ; )

I am the most self deprecating prick I know. Deal. It's how I stay humble.


Portana said...

I am with nanook--
I run for so many reasons--but it is not for the glory of winning a marathon. But, you are correct, if you want to be healthy, live with a marathoner. We can teach you tips on health and nutrition and keep your ass in check....
and we have rock hard killer thighs.

Nanook, your running twin cities again? Hope so and good luck to you if you do! :D I will make it back there to run that again someday....

Anonymous said...

portana - I indeed running TCM again. This year, I hope to have your kind of recovery time instead of my slow-ass shuffle.

I don't know, though. I have a feeling J could give both of us a run for rock-hard thigh queen. :)


(Damn thing won't let me log on.)

P said...

You guys wanna hear something kinda cute? (on the DL) Because B & the B isn't a terribly taxing dance show, J started doing exercises in between acts to keep in shape. (Squats, push ups, crunches, etc..) Some of the other gals joined her, then some more, then more, and now they have about 10 women or so who go down to the rehearsal room and lead exercises.

(sighs) I told her that she looks "bumpy" (Insert "Twins" joke here) after she got out of the shower the other night. Her reply?

(smiling) "Thank You"