Monday, June 20, 2005

I'm a mess...

I'm falling apart. . With the inclusion of my sunburned back, I've got a veritable laundry list of maladies today . My work shoes are causing my left arch to scream so I'm forced to jerry rig this arch support out of rolled up napkins. (I'm doing this 'cause Iit's causing me to favor my right leg, and we all know that doing this can cause Chadwickian back problems down the line. )
And after this weekend of pulling out tree stumps and helping my folks move= I am all over sore. (And me with my whole macho-ass "Not gonna take Ibuprofen to mask the injury" attitude. Fuck dat, today I break out the big-kid 800 mg Ib's)

Sore like being back in summer football training (boot) camp. (Hell week, as we affectionately called it.) Urgh, back/legs/neck/head (Too many G and T's) arms/tits...All sore. I would invest in Bio-Freeze ('spensive stuff) or Icy Hot, but that'd remind me too much of an embarrassing accident which occured circa 1992 where I gave myself a good icy hot meltdown after practice. And apparently didn't wash my hands well enough after the application. Then used the loo. You know? (I'm not gonna draw you a picture...let's just say it was icy and hot.)

Listen to me whine. P: You danced, now you gotta pay the piper. Today is the day I shoulda called in. Bleargh

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