Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Rock Rant.

A mofo-ing rock hit my windsheild today on the way to work. Not kidding, this thing was literally the size of a Bruckheimer asteroid. The kind of thing when it impacts you say "HO Shit!!!" with all of the air in your lungs. (Which I did.)

A miracle, really, that it didn't shatter or chip anything. My insurance agent would probably had a conniption fit.

I started thinking about how I could make a funny-funny about the agent saying "Hey, were you driving through Bethlehem and said the Lords name in vain or something?" (Get it? Anyone see "Life of Brian"? One of the 1st naughty movies my parents rented that they let me watch. "Jehovah Jehovah Jehovah!!!") Meh...I got nothing.

Car. Got stoned? Nope.


Frethem said...

Make sure you check it out thoroughly. Member that bigass crack in my windshield? Did you notice that when we went to Staciacar? Yeah... started with a tiny little chip. Turned on the heat last winter, and CRACK! Shot across the whole fricken thing. Bunkass shite.

Anonymous said...

Short Story, by Tallen:

Driving down 35W south... hear loud bump... think I ran over something... get to liquor store (cuz, well, where else would I be going?)... get out of my car... look on roof of car... big ol' dent on roof... BIG OL' DENT! We're talking cement block size dent... um, can we be a little happy it didn't go through the windshield, as there was a passenger in the car in the line of fire... CREEPY!

P said...

It's still okay. What sucks the mostiest is that I just had the whole thing replaced a few months ago. I saw the damn rock hit and was just amazed that it didn't break the whole stinkin windshield. (The rock was YUGE!)