Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Pass the munchies...

Some days the funny funny just, happens.

Today on MPR, they were engaging in a spirited discussion regarding the government placing new restrictions on medical maryjane (simply put: DEA can arrest the growers and users) Wellllllll, they had people from two camps on to discuss- a US atty w/MN ties and a notoriously terrible last name….(Heffle-what? Sounds like a Pooh character) the other person works in the medical field in support of the growth and use of Medical Maryjane. Well, would it have killed them to add a 3rd person? The user?

"Joining us today on MPR are US attorney Tom Doe, Melissa Lunk with an Association that promotes the use of medical marijuana, and lastly self proclaimed frisbee chucking cheeba monkey: ‘Doctor Smithers’?

"Hey, man"

1 comment:

Portana said...

Actually P they had the self proclaimed frisbee chucking cheeba monkey on yesterdays NPR. Some gal who uses it for her disease.

Its interesting to note--the state of Montana is one of the 10 states that this ruling effects. Our state attorney basically said, "We are still going by our law and we wont do shit to help you find or prosecute the people who do use it." There are some perks to living in MT, a strong hold on individual rights being one of them.
There was another good point I heard yesterday, a former California DA I believe who stated something to the effect that if the US wastes its money on such a small iota of people when there is such a HUGE problem with Meth, then the US has some priority issues. Amen brother.

Sorry for the political bent--I apologize in advance.