Wednesday, June 08, 2005


People need to chill. Is all I'm saying. Holeee shitballs.

This seems to be justification week throughout the blog-o-sphere. So I'll add mine. Somedays folks, I miss good old fashioned face to face conversation/debate. Except I am not that terribly interesting in real life so I suppose taking up peoples time with my boorish tirades will suffice. Shame really.

Guys: I use sarcasm and wit (And I say those terms lightly because I'm not to good at either of'em) to try to make for funny reading. I keep it topical and shallow because really, there is too much serious business in our personal lives and this little world we live in which means it is SO important to not-take-things-too-seriously. That isn't to say I don't have a serious side, a political side, a snarky/mean side, a deviant side, a condescending side, whatever. But I'm not gonna pollute air and e-space with that baloney. It's not funny. There's a time and place for that campers, and for the most part I think my friends (If you would honor me by letting me call you that) like the nuttier side of me. I will not print real-real personal opinions and business because of people will invariably (A) Misconstrue it-Someone will always miss the point of what you're saying (B) Gossip about it-I fucking hate that (C) Get their feelings hurt by it (D) Get me in the doghouse with J,

I work at a business for 9+ hours a day and have a 2nd job on top of that. The WORST part about both is the tremendous amount of BS I have to chew and swallow on a daily basis just to keep my jobs. The one thing (my boss, of all people) told me that makes any sense is that "Perception is everything- People are going to screw up or not listen entirely to what you say so you had best make yourself as clear as possible while saying as little as possible." Good stuff. And hard, hard stuff for an ADD suffering guy like me to put into practice. But, I'm tryin'.

So, yeah. And stuff. Don't trip, yo'.

1 comment:

P said...

Awwww, darlin. I do put personal thingies in here. I just try to keep the level of discourse to a minimum cause that just ain't me. And personal stuff is, well, personal.

My favorite comeback to gossippers and people who try and jump into conversations (Or just plain nosy folk.)

"Do you have a business degree?"
"Because it might help you mind your own."

Never fear though, I'm finna blog about my audition/callback in a bit.