Tuesday, June 28, 2005

I hate posts that sound this way, but I really have no other way to articulate this:

I drank way too much last night.

Calorie. Hog. I mean. it was really quite a lovely time, all told. B & T came over, we fondued, and drank. A lot. (Fondue, btw, with chicken broth in lieu of boiling oil is delicious, and a titch healthier. You need a shite load of broth 'cause that shit evaporates quickly.)

Wait, we fondued with another couple over cocktails? Where are we, the flippin' 70's? Where is my disco shirt???

2 Pitchers of Margie's, A bottle and a half of veeno, a little chocolate cake (Which I was not allowed to say "No" to apparently. "Hon, I'm okay" /"Eat it" /"okay") and hot weather are all a saucy combination for debauchery. Or at least, quite a bit of smack-talking. And we did. The smackiest. I am absolutely mortified at the number of dishy's that were left in the sink...it nearly sent me into OCD overload ("Would you STOP doing dishes and come in here please?")

I'm a little slow on the draw today, and have to work the #2 jobby tonight, so I'll keep this brief. I've a 7/4/05 BBQ to attend and the peeps throwing it have a pool. Which means if it is a hot day and I have any intention on taking a dip (I don't) , I'm gonna need to train hard all week to get last nights poison outta my bod. Lest I enter the pool looking like Sha-flippin-moo. I'm serious. There'd be an oil slick following me like I'm the Exxon Valdez. Not really oil, more like a Pinot Grigio slick.


Anybody wanna buy a house? Robbinsdale, quiet neighborhood, close to the busline and minutes away from Downtown. I am afeared that my big bro will be sitting on 2 house payments until it sells. If anyone knows any interested buyers, just direct them to this MLS #3023567

Super cute?


Portana said...

Not that I am encouraging you, but I have the mens health model plan to drop the excess in no time flat. Just let me know if you want it....not the healthiest, but boy will it shed the water and pinot weight.

P said...

Yeah. I got that issue.

(It's amazing how many of these mags have the exact same articles and titles: "SHED YOUR GUT", "ROCK HARD ABS", "LISTEN UP CREAM PUFF! DO YOU WANT TO BE A HOT SNACKIN' FATTY? NOOOO! 25 OF THE BEST EXERCISES FOR..." ugh. All caps wiped me out.

But yeah. I got it. If all else fails I'm going to a vintage store and buying one of those guys swimsuits from the 20's.