Tuesday, June 07, 2005

I got a fever...

And for once, I don’t think that more cowbell is the only prescription.

Show of hands- Who believes in gut instincts? Spider-Sense? "I’ve got a bad feeling about this?" Anyone? Well I sure do, and I’m not just talking about guessing what the next song is gonna be on the radio before they even play it. (Btw, it’s "Hollaback Girl" by Gwen Stefani, in case you were wondering.) So, yeah- part of my getting older has been to trust my instincts a little more.

As a young man, I’d barrel into things with reckless abandon

As I got older, went to college and took up karah-TAY, I grew to learn patience and how to be a better "react-or" in the event of SOMEthing happening. Foresight can beat hindsight. Still, you shouldn’t over-prepare. Good lesson, Good lesson.

As an old man (at least where mileage is concerned) I’ve been able to see situations and before they happen and before you know it POW, I am having an out of body experience. Seeing all, knowing all, understanding how your visible future may be truly affected by my decisions and actions. And everything moves in slow motion.

Okay, if I’ve confused any of you all, let’s just say that it isn’t in my nature to be vague or mysterious- I can’t talk about it, and I can’t talk about why. Oooooooooooo. I’ve just had some weird close calls over the past 2 weeks, and well…let’s just say I’m glad I have a sounding board living with me by the name of "J" to listen to the strangeness which is my life. It’s either 6th sense or Common sense. Or- it could be the Chinese I ate for dinner last night, causing fever dreams. Christ, we have central air and we aren’t using it. Sweaty Sweaty, fevered dreams.

Onto "Picnic" Auditions next Tuesday. I get to read it again tonight if the costume shop is slow. I’m not fucking around, 3 X’s I’ve read the mo-fo. Serious. Deadly-Deadly.

What a fucked up Hunter S Thompson entry this was. And I’m at work.


Portana said...

Yeah, P, can you BE more vague? :)

Frethem said...

P, despite our little interlude last night, I wouldn't be TOO concerned about your sexuality. Besides... your secret is safe with me. :-)

Frethem said...

Oh, and I almost forgot....


P said...

Kaiser...What The Fraggle are you talking about?

Portana, I shoulda never been vague.

Frethem said...

About your "Spider Sense"... your ability to identify situations before they happen. It's alright P, I'm just saying most of us already knew. ;-)

P said...

Um, kay.