Thursday, June 16, 2005


(Apologies for the apathetic nature of the following blog, gentle readers. I'm waiting to see if I got a callback for "Pitch-Nitch" and I'm gettin' a wee antsy. Bad form for me, I know...but, you know?)

My hair is a mess. Unruly. I can slather in gobs O' product, and the mighty power of the wave causes it to pop out everywhere. ("Well, why don't you cut it?" Duurrrhhhh?) Well, I can spend the $ elsewhere and I look like an even bigger dorkus malorkus w/short hair. Pin head.
Why can't it be a "rakish mop"? That's kickin' it old school- "My, doesn't he have a rakish mop?"

Naw. More like "Hairy douchebag". And I still fear balding.

NEW WORDS THURSDAY! (For no other reason than this Hair tangent is going nowhere)

gonnies (pronounced GO-knee's) Testicles.

mort- (N/adj) A dork, or lame character. I kiped this from Wizard magazine which uses it to describe uber-lame superhero characters. (Howard the Duck, Squirrel Girl, and-no shit- "D-Man". He was an Avenger for like, 2 ish's. He was just a frickin smelly homeless guy who was really strong. LAME! Shame on you, Captain America.)

fuckbake: (N/Adj) A jerk or asshole. Describes a situation. (This play is fuckbaked.)

buck-buck: (N/adj) crazy talker/funny talker. I discovered this one by accident. I used to throw "buck-buck" after duo-syllabic names 'cause I thought it sounded funny. (Ex: Bonnie Bonnie Buck-Buck...) My Indian co-worker informed me , after saying "Niddi Niddi Buck Buck", that in Hindi "buck-buck" means crazytalker. Or bullshitter. Or funnytalker. You are all now thinking of my name and throwing "buck buck" after it, aren't you?

Okay. Relief is now being sighed. I got called back. Now, all I have to find out who I must destroy. BUH WAH HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!! Kidding, kidding.

BUH WAH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!! Pinky, are you thinking what I'm thinking?


Anonymous said...

Pretty sure you can kick Kaiser's ass... he has been to the gym though? Just lemme know when it's gonna happen so I can get a good seat and some popcorn.

P said... fighting. Unless we're playing a fighting game? Tekken 3 was my beeeeyotch for years.

And Tallen? I am the gentlest guy you'll find. Soft and pudgy as a lamb. Just ask my buddy Ryan McHard-on after last night when he took a lil' swing at me. He has this fun little thing he likes to do called let's all play "hit the karate guy to see what he does". Ugh. I loathe violence.

Lake Placid (1999)

"You're supposed to say 'GO' in karate!!! You face each other, you bow, and you say 'go'!"

" in 'Go fuck yerself'"

Am I the only one that thought that movie was hysterical?

Anonymous said...

Gentle as a lamb? Ooh... I like lamb, with mint jelly... *drool*

P said...

Yeeeuck. Lamb. Bleargh.

(Quietly goes back to picking at his raw starkist tuna)