Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Audience Precipitation

Because I don't want to talk about clothes, food, or working out right now.

#1 Was there anything unusual about your birth?


#2 What did you do after school?

Por moi?

Well, I was born on Christmas. I suppose that in and of itself is fairly unusual, if not unique.
Ummm, my mom thought she had gas. She was getting the house ready for X-Mas, couldn't take it anymore, and called her doc to let him know she had (quote) " painful gas."

Doc-"How long have you had it?"
Ma-"It comes and goes, every 15-20 minutes I guess"
Doc-"Get to North right away!"

There was some hemming and hawing on her part, mostly about having to leave my big brother at home w/Dad on X-mas. (That and my dad had to get pulled away from the football game. )After I was born, I was apparently wrapped in my umbilical cord and just shy of being a blue baby. They sent me home in a oversized candystripe Christmas Stocking.

My mom says I was the best present ever. My brother thinks I've ruined Christmases for the last 30 years. Dork.

#2- (I'm gonna break this down a bit)

Ellie-Mentry: Hauled ass home (I was a walker) to watch cartoons. I lived with the vain hope that I'd catch the Scooby Doo episode with Batman and Robin as the guest stars. (I'd only seen it once...and it was glorious) Except it was usually only Jerry Reed or Mama Cass Elliot. Bitch.

Jr. High- I did pretty much the same as above, except for Fall when I was in football. My new habit was to eat either a whole bag of Pizza Rolls (Yes, the big bag) or a whole totino's pizza. It was microwaved so that it was soggy, and went down faster. Piggy Piggy Piggy boy.

I was still a walker, but I'd take my time in 7th and 8th grade to let the bullies get out first.

As luck would have it, the prettiest gal in school- Lynne, would be walking home about a block or so ahead of me. I would usually have some innane fantasy scenario in my head that maybe someday she'd slow down long enough to want to walk with me. Once, we actually left school at the same time- Except I doubled back and walked around the whole school to give her some lead time. (Chicken shit). In the 9th grade, we both wound upp in the same play together and we actually became buds.(Thanks, growth spurt) . Heck, I was gonna use open enrollment to follow her to the HS she was in but to no avail. This story is getting long. More details below for the interested*

High School-
Um, Extra Curric's took over (Foo'Ball and then theatre in the winter and spring) So, if there was enough time I'd catch a nap. My 1st LTGF took up the rest of my life after school in 11th and 12th grades. That sucked.

How about youse?

* Senior year, during a 1-month break up from the LTGF, I went to Prom at Lynner's high school w/a community theatre buddy of mine. I ran into her and actually scored a dance! (And also with, incidentally, both my 8th and 9th grade gf's- I recall thinking how absolutely flipping gorgeous they all had become. Problem was, I didn't get to dance with my own date 'til the last song of the night. Nice job, prick-o.)

I ran into Lynner again during my stint at Comm. Coll. We were in choir together and at the time I had a new LTGF. On our big spring choir tour to Alex, (My gf wasn't there) we ended up going for a walk together 'round the resort. We wound up, appropriately enough, at this playground. We sat on the swings and talked for an hour or so, she asking me about my new gf, and then telling me that her long term bf and she had finally broken up. I was finally able to confess my little "walking a block behind her in jr.high" story, to which she laughed her butt off .

We did the whole "staring at each other quietly" for a bit...dragging our feets in the gravel. Then she leaned over, gave me little kiss...and said "'Night, P- - - - -. " (I loved the whole jock-o thing about her. A former softball playa, she was one of the few females who called me by my last name.) I fell a little in love with her that night. After the semester was over we parted ways. And I haven't seen her since. Gosh, that'll be 10 years now. Man, P...that just sounded like a freakin' Dan Fogelburg song.


Portana said...

Just because I DONT want to work:
#1--Other than I was much smaller than my other three siblings (they weighed in around 10 lbs each, I was a scant 7lbs), nothing out of the norm. My mom said she coughed and I came out. Thanks for that visual Ma.

#2--Elementary- Hoofed home too, usually to cartoons or to play (we lived by a state park, so we would take off into the hills). Extra Cirics took over in 5th grade. Sports. Lots

Jr High--A continuation of extra cirics--I cant even remember going home right after school in jr high. I have a laundry list: Basketball, cheerleading, track, volleyball, yearbook, student government, blah, blah blah.

High School--Still more of the same. Toss in a job in there as well and my parents didnt even know who I was my Senior year (who are you? you live here?) No boyfriends, hence the five hundred activities. You should see my yearbook listings. Classic over-achiever I was. What the hell happened? ;-)

Anonymous said...

Birth -
*There was a turtle walking down the hall at the hospital.
*The doc came out to tell my dad it was a girl, and, well, the doc thought he was giving my dad bad news. My dad was thrilled (he thought girls were easier - think I knocked that idea out of his head yet?).
*I didn't have a name for about two or three weeks after we left the hospital - in Fiji you got to fill in your own birth certificate.

After School -
*One of two things - TV/couch or skating... that part of my life was pretty boring.

Frethem said...

*I Shattered my Mother's tailbone when born.
*I was 24 1/2 inches long and 9 pounds. Yes, when I was born I was already tall and skinny.
*First thing I did was piss all over the doctor. He was quoted as saying: "Well, at least that works..."

Elementry: Played Video Games
Jr High: Played Video Games
High School: Got High... Then played Video Games.