Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Pulling a Christmas boner.

FYI: We aren't moving into our new home for a while. Not until the end of January anyway. Too much stuff to get prepped before we can actually hang our hats.

So I was born on X-mas. My mom thinks that I was the best present ever. My brother thinks that I've ruined X-mas for him over the last...Almost 30 years. Big Kid birthday coming up guys. That's right. Dreizig. In 17 days. ( I don't get schmaltzy about it folks. I won't hit my stride until my 50's)

Why Happy Christmas Baby? When people find out my birthday, it almost ALWAYs promotes the same response "Huh, X-mas musta sucked for you...being your birthday and all". Not really, because I really like having almost Everybody in a celebratory mood. "Do you get twice as many presents??" Twice as many as who? Biggie and I always got the same amount of shit every year, with dad always raking in the big haul

I didn't mind not being able to have a birthday party. All the other kids would be with their fams, playing with their new toys. And my wonderful mom got creative and we used to celebrate a 1/2 B-day in June. (So I could actually have a party) This little summer tradition has been ceased. : (

The Holiday season always forced me to create a specific X-mas list (When my fam embellishes it is sometimes, unfortunately, for the worse) My dad would take me to work with him the day after Thanksgiving and let me roam the skyways. (Up until I was about 18 years old. I don't think families would let their 13 year old wander by themselves in this day and age) I would go shopping with my meager earnings. (Not much has changed there) and wander through the stores, wondering what the F+++ do I get them? (Am I the only one that makes a list people? It sucks when you ask them what they want and their replies are always "Hmmmmmm Nothing", or "I haven't thought about it yet." ) For many years, dad would get a tie or cologne. Mom would get something Nursing related. And Biggie would get toys or (When I got older) hip looking clothes. (Christmas was always really wonderful for us: Typically we'd get up early, open up our stuff, then head out to g-ma Pat's for some food and family time.

Things Change, and after my 21st BD, X-mas evenings would be spent bar-hopping to whatever bar is open on the 25th, (Usually in Mpls this means Gabbys or the Gay 90's/Saloon.) and getting my free drink. This came to a head on my Golden Birthday when I wrecked a hotel room and tried to make out with any gal in my group who was willing (Not many were). Things change again, and the next year, my (at the time) GeeF chastised me for wanting to go party. (You're too old to do that, she said) So we spent it playing darts with her girl buddy from out of town. Low Key. And Boring.

Subsequently, every X-Mas since 2000- I've not had a birthday bash. Or a "real" cake for that matter. With the exception of last year, a VERY memorable Birth-mas.

We had both fams over to OUR big kid home, and gave them all a suprise, which was our Engagement. (It was memorable, did I say that? I'll bore you with the story sometime)

...but the other night, my love asked me if I would like to have a party on my birthday.... Well, what do you think kids? Should I have a party on my birthday? Will there be anyone in town for it? Hmmmmmm, I shall ponder.

ps: I'm also not fussy this year for gifts. All J and I want are Home Depot gift cards in ANY denomination. Okay, maybe the definitive Monty Python DVD Collectors Set...But THAT'S IT!!!
pps: I don't want anymore Spiderman anything. Seriously.

ppps: The one tradition I've done since I was 10, is to get up around 5:50 a.m. and spend the last couple of minutes as my younger self. (I was born at 5:53 am.) If I'm feeling awake for it, I'll blog you guys with my last few moments as a 20 something.


Anonymous said...

I'd say totally yes on the partay idea. Even if it's just a small quiet evening of thingytails. This might be rather presumptuous of me... but, I'd bring something to share (potluck style... but classier). I'm a pretty firm believer in the whole birthday celebration idea and if someone else is offering - Go For It! I've given up on others planning my parties... If I plan one myself, I know I'm gittin' one!

Portana said...

considering that I will more than likely be up in your waining minutes of your 20's, I look forward to your ponderings as you cross over into the neverland of your 30's. Welcome to my world, it only gets better from there....

P said...

I'm still not sure if said party would entail going out on the town, or staying in at the Casa De P and J.
More details will follow! (Right now we're trippin' over the house and haven't been able to think about much else!)

Love you guys for chiming in!

Frethem said...

I say we go out Friday night as a post celebratory shindig celebrating both your birth, the birth of Jebas (not to be confused with Jabas) and the stomping of the Cheese! We can just STAY UP till 5am... ;-)