Thursday, December 23, 2004

Where's MY pie???

I know I've dithered about how having a b-day and X-mas on the same day don't suck, but sakes alive:
I came to work today thinking that my desk would be covered w/balloons saying "Happy 30th" etc...Not so much. No festive confetti. No cake. Nada. I realized that I haven't had an actual "cake" cake for my bday in, a while. (In all fairness, last year J did make a delicious chocolate/cheesecakey thing with a candle in it.)

Today marks an anniversary of sorts. One Year ago today, I proposed to the J-ster. Surprised the hell outta her when she rolled in from "Cats". I had been mulling over how I was going to do it: A romantic hot air balloon ride? A candlelit dinner? Pretend to go see a show and take her to a dark theatre and propose there? (I was going to try to do it at the Loading Dock. I thought it woulda been appropriate) I'd been in possession of "the one ring" for a few weeks (Princess cut w/2 baguette setting. You know? In case she looks at it and gets hungry?) I honestly thought I would never be able to keep it hidden. (Allright copper, see....ya got me, see? Here it is! HERE IT ISSSSS!!!!)

In the end, our schedules and the lack of funds were against me. And while I couldn't order 50 jars full of fireflies to light a path for her, I figured votive candles would work. I won't bore you all to piece's with the specifics: I kneeled, she said "Yes", we cried a bit, and spent the remainder of the night picking candle wax out of the cat's paws. (If you are really curious, ask me about it sometime.) It made a great story to tell our families over the next two nights of dinner and celebration. Although I never want to host back to back X-mas parties at our house ever again. Ever, again.

I'll be pretty busy tomorrow, my peeps. The morning will find J and I checking out the 8th floor holiday x-hibit at Mo-Fo's. ("You get so excited, it's kind of weird..." she said to me last year. It wasn't a very cool exhibit either. Downright sucked balls, actually.) The rest of the day will be spent, say it with me, AT THE NEW HOUSE. That's right, hauling ass to get it move-in worthy by January 29th. (In case you wanna help us move. It is on a weekend!) Henry V is the only drawback, and I love the show too much to consider it a problem. Tomorrow evening, vittles with her family.

Sats, will find me at my mom and dads, then prolly back to NE Mpls for more manual labor. Relaxation will FINALLY ensue when I can lose myself in vids, bowling, and air hockey. I'm sure the booze will help too. Happy Christmas, gentle readers. If you are up at 5:53am, I'll blog you a 30 year old boys birthday greeting. 30.

1.5 more days to go.

1 comment:

Portana said...

Considering that is 3:53 my time....Portland ponders the likelyhood of her butt being awake then. There is that possibility, with my insomnia still not completely cured. I will log in and await your crowning moment.
Happy Birthday P--