Monday, December 27, 2004

How many days are left?

So this is a tiny peeve, but I just don't like stoopid "Best of the year" lists that don't wait to get release until AFTER the year is completely over. How can you consider a best of the year list to be comprehensive until after the 31st of December? Seriously though, there is some pretty earth shattering shite that could occur in those 4 little days. (Hellooo? One Tsunami in the Maldives coming up. And btw- It's rumored that Jet Li is on the "missing" list. Yeah...) The worst was the Y2K capitalizers who were writing about "Our Century" or "2000 years in Pictures" and putting them in bookstores as early as November, 1999. Blleeeargh. Just wait a couple more days to turn your bucks, publishers. So much can happen in a day!

This year, J and I got the all the prezzies that we wanted. (Home Depot, we'll be seeing you soon.) I've mentioned that embellished gifts can be a curse or a blessing, So I'd like to present you with two of the things that we didn't care for. Before the idea of "Thoughtless Pricko" creeps into your mind, please realize that we were both very grateful to receive ANYTHING...Still, when you don't want or ask for anything, you're left at the mercy of peeps with the best of intentions. (Names of givers will be withheld to protect the innocent.)

Barbie 45th anniversary collectors plates. 6 of them. Given to J and myself as a "Mutual" X-mas gift. They don't have an actual "Barbie" on them, just little squiggly lines ala' Figlio, with accompanying "sassy sayings": (ex: "Life's too short to shop by yourself") Right. A dimestore Socrates must have written those savage observations. We received those Frenchy Bistro plates last year. And G-ma Connies China. We're running out of room in the Hutch.

Also props for receiving not one, but 2 wine bottle openers. Either my folks think that I'm some sort of Connoisseur/sommelier (I'm not) or they think I drink too much. (I can.) I received a bottle opener last year as well. Sighs...

Everyone liked what I got them, so I think I did okay. Stop here, cause now I'm babbling:
Dad: Off the Beaten Path: A guide to "out of the way" Travel spots in MN. And I got
him some "good" coffee.
Mom: Framed Pic of Gran and I, taken on 8/31/04. I look fat. Mom Cried. I then
gave them both a carpet runner for the upstairs hall. The old one was ass.
Ro and Co: GC's to Home Depot (For a goodly sum) and Bed Bath and Beyond. (So she can
buy themselves soap dispensers to match the kitch and bath. Ro also got a T-Shirt
I picked up in Caesar's Palace that says "Roman Ale: Brewed by Gladiators" He's
been wearing it daily, since Saturday- I hear tell.
Ssss: He's got this boner for wizard paraphenalia, so I found a Antique Wizard M
Marionette at an antique sto' in Stillwater. Good Times. (The GC to Mo-Fo's
made it feel more "gifty")
Ry: Haven't seen him yet, I'll tell ya later.
The sweet-baby J: A range. Flattop, Electric. Whirlpool brand. (She got me a Dish-
washer. Quite the trade) and "Broadway: A History"/"That's Entertainment:Vols-
1,2, and 3" Containing a "Never before seen" dance routine between Fred and

There was more, but I won't bore you. The X-mas card I made (A pic from the small theatre X-mas party) was a pretty funny gag too.


Anonymous said...

Are there more photos from Xmas Party? I'd love to see someone else's view of the night.
Amazing how excited you can get over appliances, isn't it? My Bday gift from my dad was essentially a new range & fridge... thinking of using Xmas money for a new washer and dryer... or a new dish washer??? Ah, the joys of home-ownership!
Merry Xmas, Happy Bday... sorry I pooped out on GameWorks... I was freakin' tired!

Anonymous said...

i want to see the holiday card!!!
