Friday, December 10, 2004

Whutta Week.

Zounds! Did I soapbox or did I soapbox yesterday? I should give classes, I tell ya! (With all the mommy's and kids that come into the costume shop for make up, I could have a side business. "Oh, you're an actor? What plays do you do?" "Well, porn mostly...I cater to the 'normal' sized guys if you know what I mean ma',am??"

Again with the dick jokes. He canna make it through the week without one. Maybe I'm tired, maybe I'm feeling randy...or mayb's it be Friday, me hearty's. Yarrrrr.

I was freakin' out this week a lot. A lot. Big time stresser's, on top of all that the Neue Haus Sheisse. To re-cap:

1- Had a callback @ Chan for Booty and da Beast. 1st callback in roughly 7 years of off/on auditioning there. I go from Ordway to Chan. WTF am I thinking! Music, possible dance callback??? So, after a lukewarm singing audition- I was asked if I still tumbled (yup) kip-ups, jump-spin wheels, tornado kicks, dive rolls, prat falls the works. Apparently that worked. Well, there were over 100 peeps at the cb (J sez it's the most she's ever seen there, umm ever.) I did my whole "Stretch in the corner and not talk to peeps until after it's done" the combination was actually not too tough. Some of the chan-o-saurs were gracious enough to walk me through it a bunch of times. So yeah, in and out. Got a big smooch and a "I'm so proud of you" from the lady...but I can't see why they'd cast me. It's nice to have been considered, since that's as far as I've gotten there. That, + Dieter/Ann gave some very helpful sanding tips.

2- Henry. Henry, Henry, Henry. This is par for the course, but we won't have a full cast rehearsal until the end of the month. Due to working my own 4 jobs, I've had to miss a few rehearsals myself. (I'm too good though. I was able to fanagle some time off from the Costume Shoppe so I.) I love the cutting, and I'm thinking it'll be pretty durn good. We lost a cast member though, (She picked up a big $ gig) and we're scrambling for talent. Know anybody? From rehearsal I went too...

3- Richard III cb's. I didn't think I'd get into that one either. It's really cool to be asked to come by and read. And I got to see Eitel's little peanut (His kid, ya perv's) and reunionize w/peeps who I don't get to see on a regular basis. (A veritable who's who of the small theatro' scene- Pust, Kaiser, Edwin, my old buddy Lats, Jabas, Dwizzy, Schloss, Bob, Carlton, Mother 2-electric boogaloo, and the bionic woman herself, complete with face screws. Too cool. I love talking and I love people, people. Good times. I didn't get cast, whiiich is probably a good thing with, y'know, getting hitched right after the run and all.)

4- The house. Finally showed my good friend Ry-Gonn (who biffed on the backyard tree swing. He gave himself grassy-ass stain.) It's still at the pretty over-whelming stage right now, but J and I gifted each other major appliances for X-mas. (A DW and Range) I'm officially getting close to maxing out the old CC. '05's work bonus should cut that back significantly, but we still need to remodel the kitch b4 we can actually put food on the counter. After some deep breath's, and a very late night chat w/J we're both chillin a little more. (She was a bit more stressed than I, due to a health scare in her fam. Mommy in the hospital for tests-especially during the holidays- does not a happy dancer make.)

Have a great weekend peeps. I'll be fighting the good fight against a horde of Santa-wannabe's, and even donning the old costume myself for the Winter Lights Tours. And if I'm not there, well...guess where I'll be? Take it away CSN&Y:

Ouuuuur House. Iz a VERY VERY VERY FINE house. With two cats in the yard....start swinging from MYYY NARDS!!!! (I'm awful and immature.)

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