Thursday, December 09, 2004

That's just, like, your

So many of them. Opinions.
I got riled up today from seeing some dumb-ass fake postings on the Callboard (fun little TC small theatre posting board.) I wrote a shitload of angryness down, and then erased it. Think before you speak, you know? Don't just launch into your first instinct. Save those for when you need to fight. See, I'm a pretty mature, laid back easy guy. All right, I fibbed. I'm a fairly complex dude, who thinks dick jokes are funny... but I like things easy? Make Sense? No?

Anyway, this brain surgeon poster did what many of the other theatre folks do and they threw in their 15 cents- Well- Their BS pissed some folks off, starting a flurry of responses, Kaiser had to pull their shit, and this all got me thinking:

There are a lot of ignorant (not stupid) mis-informed peeps out there. Wasting time, wasting energy, keeping their feet on the path in front of them, eyes never leaving the same trail. Narrow Minded goats, attached by rope from the neck to the Maypole. Circling.

My philosophy is "Different Strokes for different folks" y'know? Opinions are everywhere, but personally the bottom line is don't you shouldn't fucking judge. Judgers.

Like acting- Here's my two cents- Take or Leave.

Be on time. Always

Get headshots. You need them if you want to get work. Don't have facial hair in them (Unless that's your "thing"- male or female) if you've lost or gained a lot of weight, get new ones. Try not to take them outside, and wear darker clothes. (No white shirts) A no frickin' soft filters. What are you, Barbara Streisand? And make sure it looks like you.

Memorizing lines? Should be the 1st thing and the easiest thing. I was an extra at the Flying G years ago (Right, sorry, they call them "Essentials" nowadays) and I asked the guy playing Jacques a very naive question: "How do you learn all those LINES? Wow!"

He said: "Baby, memorizing the lines is easy. It's coming up with the believable character that's hard." Since then, my personal goal has been to be off book as quickly as possible. Ideally by my 1st walking rehearsal. Get that crutch outta yer hands.

On stage, You need to connect with the other actors, make bold choices, and lastly try not to act to the audience. Occasionally this will be a production choice. Not my fave, but it sometimes happens)

Do a Classic. Be in a Shakespeare or two. Even if you don't like it. It's good for you and it builds a paper route. (Again, I had a friend who gave bass lessons at Mars and Musictech. He would make all of the long haired "Butt-Rocker" dudes practice Jazz on an upright for weeks before he'd even let them touch an electric. "You have to learn where the shit you want to play came from, before playing the shit you wanna play..." Find your own analogy.

If you aren't in a show, see as many shows as possible. Or take Acting/Singing/Dancing lessons (Or On-Camera classes). Find a hobby that will help your craft, or just get out and exercise.

Someone glamourized the "Starving Artist" which is bullshit. Don't pigeonhole yourself exclusively as a stage actor. Mamma and Papa gotta pay the bills. Do Voiceovers, Commercials, Print (If you have the look). Try being in movies- see what you like.

Know thyself. If you have a certain look, don't expect you'll get called for everything. And if you find yourself bitching about where you work, when you work, or if you're getting called back, maybe you should re-evaluate what you're doing. Or ask someone to watch you do your monologue, or find a tactful way of asking a director if there was something you could've done better. btw: Pre-casting has been around, and will always be around. DWI. Yeah, it sometimes sucks- and if you don't dig it, then don't audition.

Don't skip an audition. Or piss away an job offer. Don't audition if you don't like the show. Don't take a gig if you really have a bad feeling about this....(Sorry, Star Wars rant.) Let me assure you- I've worked for some Shhheeeeiittty theatre companies. It sucks, and I should have gone with my instinct. Experience is not a sexy teacher, but it is the best one.

The above statements are only my opinion, and it's an opinion born of my personal experiences in addition to what I've heard/seen/and learned from my peers. I'm not a full-time professional actor- but that doesn't mean I don't show up and act professionally. Do what works best for you, but remember ultimately staying open-minded and flexible will be your best friend.

J has been an inspiration to me as well: Since we've been together, I have had the extreme fortune to work with, and see some incredibly talented people perform. She has encouraged me to keep working on going for bigger gigs. She's a keeper peepers.

It just frustrates and exhausts me to see and hear folks bitching- and not searching for solutions. It accomplishes precious little except to waste energy. There is no "one way" folks. There is no path of least resistance. You just need to keep chugging along and be patient. Go forth my grasshoppers.

ps: I like mother 2.0 and Fred's mantra- If it don't feel good, don't do it.

1 comment:

Portana said...

As a jedi in the ways of acting, you are a true master. Well put.