Monday, January 07, 2013

Happy New Year! Oh Hai!

Happy New Year from the Happy Christmas Baby. 

I am a terrible, terrible blogger.  April, 2012 was my last post?  After having said "I'm going to blog more in 2012!"  Well...effed up that resolution toute suite, didn't we?   I'm sorry, Frodo...I was delayed.  A lot.
So here's the quick re-crap (I crap you not) of 2012 (Since end-of-year lists should not be compiled until the end of the year!!!  How do you KNOW some unbelievable s#it won't go down before midnight 12/31? !?!.):
From my vantagepoint, the biggest events of 2012 that weren't mired in tragedy would be the Minnesotan's chose to vote "No" twice.  They voted with their hearts and heads in place, and we proved that we can be a loving and progressive state that will not stand on any form of discrimination.  They voted on what was right.  And the world didn't end at midnight after the election.  Funny, that. 

For me personally I think 2012 will be remembered as a year of tremendous artistic fulfillment.  I was thrilled and humbled by having 6 solid months of soul (and occasionally pocket-book) filling theater/commercial work.  I don't think I've had that type of steady-flow work in theater in a long time, and I can't impart how wonderful it felt.  (On the flip side?  I'm available.  Call me.  I'm good.) 
There was also quite a lot of stress, loss, struggle, and a smidgen of hindsighted regret born of not having a better way of planning.  It was tough around tax-time from that thing that was my own damn fault (read your W4's, is all I'm saying about that), and there were a few of those burdens that pop up from time to time (car accidents, what?  Mom's basement flooded huh?  The election year SHOUTING at you for months, as well as the ignorant and beligerant diviseness that was created after so many national tragedies...well that shit stressed me OUT and gave me high blood pressure and heartburn.)

But I did my best to stay positive (which, okay, doesn't volunteer me at a soup kitchen- but kept me from drowning in what I can't control.  Something tough when you're starting a year as a single man living paycheck-to-paycheck.), and I although don't keep my resolutions posted on the fridge by way of a reminder- I remembered that I felt it was important to keep breathing, keep moving forward, and ride the waves.  Which I did. (Thanks, Dad.)  And I was fortunate enough to still have my family there, my old and dear friends, and find some new friends that I will always respect and cherish for having gotten to know this last year.  I've heard some negative comments about 2012, and I respect and understand how it was difficult for many.  But for me?  At least socially?  I felt like I'd won a contest.

Mostly, I'm grateful for 12 months of gainful and benefitted employment.  Friends, Lemme tell you...late 2008 through mid-2011 was kind of a blur of anxiety, hyper-insecurity, loss, belittlement in the workplace, s#itty contract and temp gigs that treated you like a piece of crap (something I so wish were cliche as to being hyperbolic...but it wasn't.), drinking, increasing personal debt, health scares, apathy, and entirely mistreating my personal health and wellness.   It wasn't until (knocking on wood) I was welcomed into my company that I found a place I could breathe.  Even after a start of the year (and subsequent 9 months) of some fear/uncertainty that my position may have been eliminated, I was commended for perservering and eventually rewarded with additional tasks/responsibilities and a voice to aid in the direction of my team.  I have a CEO that sends out emails to the company that advise they should see a show I'm in.  A boss that trusts me from across the country.  Some travel.   Grand flexibility.  Occasional hugs.  And autonomy.  AND close distance to my home.  Which brings me to...

2013 GOOOOOALS!!!-

I'm going to try and write more.  Here.  At home.  Sharpen up a bit.  As a way to keep me at it, I'll be posting my resolution-y looking things on Facebook with the accompanying link back here for any and all interested parties.  There'll be more stuff.  Pictures.  Frassin.  Pet pictures.  Observational kerfluffles.  Karate/running/outdoorsey shenanigans.  Cooking.  Home projects.  Gardening.  And who knows.  Maybe I'll repeat a 2012 goal and get back to the Jim Lupient Water Park...which is AWESOME! 
Happy New Year, friends.  Tune in tomorrow for another edition.  Don't read any old articles, lest you get skeered oft.  (Seriously?  I think at least 57% of past posts revolved around memes.  Or eaters/drinkers guilt.)

ps- The best movie of the year, without argument or question because it's correct:  "The Avengers".

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