Thursday, January 10, 2013

I'm just one man, 2013...

I'm not terribly political.  I don't like shouting.  And I think the reason behind my own personal inability to attempt to raise funds, go door-to-door for a cause, etc. stems from being either (A) A Cub Scout and expected to go door-to-door to sell M and M's or Christmas Wreath's---effectively asking my father to bring the sign-up sheet to work so that I didn't have to brave the cold or Minnesota discomfort of soliciting strangers and (B) the same thing I did when we were expected to sell candy bars for hockey.  Which didn't end very well, as I would find the requisite $.50 from either my allowance, couch cushions, under car seats, and on my mom's dresser that was needed to empty out ALL THE BARS!  (And that ended well.  I mean, f#ck.  When I say I was a pudgy kid?  Maybe if I wasn't hogging through the Almond Joy knock-offs)

I'm also kind of poor, and usually very busy with work/theater/ donating my own time can be mildly problematic.  And let's be fair, I cherish my quiet downtime if/when I get it.  Call it lazy.  I call it vital to my mental health.  I admire the hell out of the go-getters, the fiery, the repeaters (My buddy Dawn has kayaked the Mississippi for the last 4-5 years now to clean up the river.  And you know I'll throw her and her man some $ for that.)  the passionate, the one's who take up a cause with such fervor that...well, it borders flat-out envy.  So I give when I can.  Shoes.  I've been trying to give a toy a year to Toys-For-Tots.  Allowed myself to become heartbroken when the seedy underbelly of certain worthy causes is exposed showing off a prejudice or five. in the age of social media has made being a social crusader much easier.  Give to the Max Day, Kickstarter (I don't suppose my long gestating idea of starting a Kickstarter to re-hab and fix my bathroom is going to get off the ground?  Too George Costanza-ish?)...anyone who can attach a link can let you know their cause from the safety and comfort of their FB page...

What's cooler than that?  Is when the events that help raise funds align Beeeee-yootifully with my own.  (More on that in a second.)   So this year?  I'm going to be mixing my resolutions a little (again) of saving money on things (like not participating in a ton of races) with my ongoing desire to be more dedicated toward causes that I feel I can contribute to.  Even if it's just my legs (ala "The Big Gay Run" last Fall) and my voice (I'm loud).  Soooooo...

I've two races planned this year that will be designed specifically toward raising funds for (brain tumors in children and MS) respectively.  The first of these nonsensical ventures (more on the "nonsensical" part in a second) will be the Cupid Undie Run- Minneapolis!  On February 9th, I'll be running 1.5 miles in the bitter, bitter cold to raise funds for the Children's Tumor Foundation.  If you can, please consider donating to either me individually or to my team- "No Mas Pantalones".  I want you to think about this before you consider donating and (hopefully) spectate.   1,000's of people... men and their underwear...running...jiggling...bouncing...this is no joke people.  And C'mon.  I bought socks with banana's on it.  Banana's.  Because symbolically, a peeled banana is analogous to aaaaaa DONATION!!!!  ZING!!!

The next one...Gods help probably going to be returning to the cess pool which is dirty obstacle races...yes.  I'll be doing the Mud Run...or Muck Ruckus or whatever the f#ck that awful race is called.   And as my big brother has been bitten by the obstacle run bug...I'm gonna see if I can get him to do it with me.

And of course, if I do other forms of charitable activities this year it's a good chance I'll really want to write about it.  Here.  Or not..because I like the idea of being quietly generous.  I just wish I had more moolah to do so.

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