Monday, January 14, 2013


True story-

When I first started working at my first permanent job in almost 3 years, I thought- honestly thought- that I'd shot myself in the foot and would be fired within the first 2 weeks.  (Please note, I'm still here.  And after hanging so long in the temp pool, you kind of build up an ongoing feeling that the other shoe'll drop and you'll be unemployed any given day.  It's greeeeeat for the soul.)

I was dropping off some paperwork to fax my main office in Vegas in our HR office, and as I walked around the corner our friendly HR staffer looked up in surprise and (a little) shock.  It was the lunch hour, as was now, and they were hunched over their desk pouring over a Trapper Keeper sized folder- wait- COFFEE TABLE book-sized folder and piled high over her desk were Val-Pak folders, clipped coupons, and those "junk mail" looking $mart $ource rags while she was wielding a pair of scissors like a samurai and with the other hand sliding the latest clipping into a plastic pocket in the middle of the page.

"Old" Mikey, would have maybe snarked or laughed (loudly) or joked or looked around at other co-workers for some form of thumb-jerking and eye-rolling validation.  As I was new and (hopefully) wiser I said  that I could come back later.  The conversation- which was casual and more friendly than any previous HR encounter- revolved around her own form of "Extreme" couponing.  With 2 young kids and a 3rd on the way, she figured she was improving her savings upwards of $400 or more a month.  AND (as if my own tamped-down snark needed more tamping) her HUSBAND had already spent a great deal of time teasing her, until she made a practical compromise:  He could get out to do his (hunting/fishing etc.) and she wouldn't complain since the savings helped recoup the costs he incurred. 

I kind of understand the logic, but I mostly dug the give and take.

I'm a lackadaisical coupon-er, and while I think Groupon/Living Social/Yipit is keen (The Underpants Run cost was halved as a result of Groupon.) they're still designed mainly for things you want versus things I actually need.  (Although it's saved my ass when it comes to saving money on sexy dinner night's out.  And I got a great pair of minimalist kicks, to boot.)  My normal justification was that I have such a boring and regimented diet that the items I usually get aren't usually covered by coupon specials- HOWEVER when I've found myself (since starting a few weeks ago) saving on average $7-$20?  Well it seems like the little things I should have been doing ages ago add up, dummy.

And for FOOK'S SAKE!   Do you have any IDEA how EXPENSIVE frozen fruit is?  I have this high-falutin desire in the interest of being healthy/losing weight/controlling my body-sauce levels to start making protein fruit smoothies, and as I'm meandering down the frozen aisle I thought they mis-printed the price code.  $13.88 for a 2 lb bag?

You know damn right I'm using my bi-weekly coupon book.  Now if you'll excuse me, Barilla pasta is on sale 10 boxes for $10, fools!

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