Tuesday, January 22, 2013

People forget Axl Rose was kind of right...

I have self-diagnosed myself without the benefit of a professional or Web MD with having "Selective Patience".  Do you have it too? 

I'm patient with about 80% of my life, except when I get behind the wheel of my car.  And then I turn into Goofy in that s#itty instructional movie we watched in driver's ed.  Every other driver...and possibly you...irritates me to a jaw-grindingly awful level.  And I'm right.  I recently had a conversation with someone and it went like this:

"I don't get frustrated at other driver's.  I pay attention to how I'm driving and drive safely".  (Insert "smug" sound in their voice.  It actually wasn't there, but if you imagine it...you can imagine my chagrin.)

No.  You're driving like a ray-ray. By not allowing yourself to be cognizent of everyone else out there, you invariably drive poorly.  And recently, I've noticed there are a metric ton of entitled wank-pants out there.  And it's winter.  In Minnesota.  Which exacerbates poor driving behaviors tenfold.

I literally have the shortest vehicular commute of nearly anyone I know.  In fact, my commute to high school was longer.  And even though it's barely 2 miles from my front door to my office?  I still can find a$$holes to get abraded by at 6 am.  (I'm talking to YOU, A-hole in the turquoise Cavalier that DOES NOT use their turn signal...consistently drives 25 in the 45 MPH ZONE, and takes wide left-turns starting almost a half-block back from your parking lot. 

Anyway.  This is going to be tougher than I thought.  I don't anticipate this will go past next week.

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