Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Sweet Dreams, baby...

One of my revolutions for 2013 is a slight holdover from 2012 and previous years.  In case you haven't read the gazillion articles out in the webisphere on the benefits of a good night sleep, you can check one out here.

The newest one that I hadn't really read up on, is how getting a full 8-hours is supremely beneficial for dudes who are active/working out, as it is the prime time for restoring testosterone.  (Check out the importance of natural testosterone and the effects here.  Check out the importance of replenishing during sleep here.  It has a lot more to do with man-boner's, but still an interesting read.)

Since I only have a "this is what worked for me" background I'll advise what I've done over the last few years to help me out.  (Barring that there are people in the world with enormous sleep issues that aren't environmentally related.  These were all changes I was able to make by exercising restraint that helped...A lot.)  I was a miserable insomniatic.  I snored.  Ground me toofs.  Flailed and punched.  And 50% of my week  I would usually get up like clockwork between 2-4 a.m. and pace, go online, read on the tasteful Gabberts sofa downstairs, and lay around in that passive, cloudy fug that means you periodically look over at your clock and watch the digital read-out tick by the hours while floomfing your pillow over and over hoping the "cool side" will guide you to slumber.  (I refuse to use my phone as my clock.  You might as well be activating a flood light in the face as soon as you turn it on.  NOT WORTH THE RETINAL BURN!)

And of course- the magazine and news articles were right.  Genetics notwithstanding (apnea, teeth grinding, and LOUD snoring have always been a part of my family) I was chemically assisting my waking and sleeping without giving it any thought. I had incorrectly assumed being active would arbitrarily lead me to better sleep.  However:
- I was waking up in a fug, and using caffeine to "push" me through the work day.
- After work, I was usually cocktailing.  (With the mixer usually being Diet Coke. And even quitting that...)
- I was still usually having a couple of post-work loosen-up cocktails or beers before bed.
- I HAD to check my business online.

1) I cut back, way back on caffeine.  I figured I spent the morning naturally "waking up" and it wasn't until the afternoon that I'd start crashing.   So I won't have my 1st cup until mid-morning instead of 1st thing and my 2nd cup a bit after lunch- usually using it to help my post-work workout at the gym.

2) Cut the liquor.  (I'm actually doing the red wine and it's only occasionally muffed up my evening.  A huge improvement from 2-3 years ago.)

And new for 2013:

3) Weekends have always been for sleeping in and enjoying my coffee maker.  I spent a couple of "normal" mornings where I just didn't bother with it and got up and out with my day.  And I. Felt. Fantastic.  (One of them was after my birthday, where I stayed up until 3am.  I had the most luxxxxurious nap the day after.  And naps have always been fitful frustrating things for me at best.)

4) Shut down the computer at least 30-60 minutes before bed, get back into books.

5) Full glass of water right before bed.

6) No more energy drinks.  (This'll be hard, but I've noticed that it really- really messes up my stomach.)

7) Make a point to get at least 8 hours of sleep nightly.  Like, priority sleep. 

Go Go Gadget sleep!

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