Monday, April 25, 2011

Mikeflix Review- "Your Highness"

Your Highness (Currently in theaters)

I just now realized the irony of having watched "The King's Speech" followed by "Your Highness" lives in the titles alone. While one is an Academy Award winning movie with stellar performances throughout, the other is just a nostalgia piece for stoners.

2 brothers (one brave, one stupid) go on a quest to defeat the wizard who has stolen the brave brother's betrothed. Hijinks and Hilarity (occasionally) ensue.

Again, if you grew up in the 80's during those formative years when fantasy films (Krull, Sword and the Sorceror, Conan the Destroyer were desperately trying to be taken seriously in a world that was still shaking from Star Wars and it's ilk- you'll probably garner some enjoyment out of this movie. The reliable Justin Theroux plays the evil wizard terrifically, James Franco still does well with comedy (His cheer of "F#CK YEAH" when he returns from his first quest was out of left field), and Natalie Portman doesn't take herself too seriously, even if she seems like she's slumming.

I'm just not a fan of McBride's schtick. It's like he knows he can play unlikable half-wits and chooses not to try and do something different. The one moment of earnestness that tries to get in the movie is actually touching, and the laughs- no matter how low-brow- are occasionally good ones. (The wizard/worm/molestor thing comes to mind. "Come, Come. Kisses!" Ish.) But when the movie grinds to a halt, it slams on the brakes.

At least it's short. If you want a nostalgia piece, re-watch "Wet Hot American Summer" (which turns 10 years old this year)to get your 80's camp movie fix. If you're hard to see this one with your frisbee-chucking chiba-monkey friends? Wait'll it's on Netflix. Better still, wait'll it's been out on DVD for a while so you don't pay for a new release.

1.5/4 Stars

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Two words... "Booby Trap!"

Also, Natalie Portman is smoking!

I really enjoyed the movie. It had the three components I require for a great movie, boobs, horses, and swords/guns. There were a lot of laughs and I love the raunchiness. The movie wasn't as quite as great as I was expecting. But overall a good movie to have 3 or 4 cocktails and laugh to.